NEW: Trump Questioned About 'Tensions' Between Elon Musk And Cabinet Members
- March 11, 2025
- Less than a minute
- 1 day ago

- by: @horse4you
- 1 day ago
I'm not sure all the other government people are with you on this one. Special people indeed
- by: @darlenerutter4390
- 1 day ago
Another gaslighting by mainstream media media!
- by: @dpspike9368
- 1 day ago
They all have tough, very important jobs to do. Of course, they argue sometimes. They are not spineless back-stabbers like their predecessors.
- by: @Zepplinrocks
- 1 day ago
Can you tell the President Musk to sign an executive order to remove spring break from colleges and schools ?
Kids do wrong stuffs in spring breaks and many die -
- by: @valeriesmyers4143
- 1 day ago
Because they're trying to divide. Of course there will be disagreements but ultimately they're all working for the greater good. The media cant let go.
- by: @cwwcww7465
- 1 day ago
Where are the EpsteinMaxwell Group files and videos?
- by: @suzimorton832
- 1 day ago
I love that division from the press isn't working for the new administration. I love that they keep trying to unite the team, which is how it should be.
- by: @ruthnovena40
- 1 day ago
WHAT were the tensions in tehe BIDens adm? any questions Where were ALL theHATD hitting questions THEN?
- by: @ryanb657
- 1 day ago
If it’s fraud and nobody ever goes to jail, are you really draining the swamp? Or it all just a show?
- by: @sallygrover6263
- 1 day ago
They should be happy they have Elon Musk to help get things back on track. The entire goverment should be embarrassed and ashamed of how its been running. A non elected person,knows nothing about the ways of the giverment and he finds billions of dollars in fraud or just stupid missuse of tax payers money. If this was in the private sectore ,a private company…..EVERYONE WOULD GET FIRED!! Disgusting our goverment. Even if they werent part of the fraud both parties new it was going on!!! SHAME ON THEM ALL.
- by: @tsc241
- 1 day ago
They are not suppose to have different opinions?
THATS just stupid media.🤨 -
- by: @Mash333
- 1 day ago
The guy has two brain cells, and they are both on permanent vacation.
- by: @dripdropfamily
- 1 day ago
🇺🇲🇺🇲We the People are DOGE. Audit it all! 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🇺🇲🚂🚂🚂🇺🇲 Demanded by the elictoral & popular vote.
- by: @madpatriot4608
- 1 day ago
Return those hundreds of billions, that Elon claim to have found to the taxpayers, it's our money, 😂
- by: @harry76n
- 1 day ago
How can he kick out his wife Elonie?
- by: @rogerbing5314
- 1 day ago
The media loves spreading propaganda for the corrupt and demolished DNC
- by: @williamdavis9943
- 1 day ago
Democrats are desperate to find any kind of a wedge to put between Musk and any of Trumps cabinet members.
- by: @InformantNet
- 1 day ago
Everything Trump says is a lie. If he denies it, that means it happened. Fake News Forbes never pushes back on Trump's lies.
- by: @aqdrobert
- 1 day ago
It's better we have questions that can't be answered, which are better than answers that can't be questioned.
- by: @LouSmith-d7n
- 1 day ago
Everybody's looking for that great googly moogly.. Donald John has been telling the truth.
- by: @GeneralMerchandiser-r7v
- 1 day ago
Elon was rich and successful because of supportive customers. Hope customers' trust will not be betrayed.
Calling another country minister a small man is insulting his customer too. They paid to use your services. It is not free.
- by: @Makethetruthyourown1990
- 1 day ago
If my friend was a rich billionaire he probably get on my nerves too
- by: @Makethetruthyourown1990
- 1 day ago
We all can see that Elon musk gets on everybody's nerves
- by: @ZeynepKevkir
- 1 day ago
Thanks for the breakdown! I have a quick question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
- by: @LeelaMoghadas
- 1 day ago
Iranian regimes heads have blood on their hands for almost fifty years and when they answer a question, Iranians know the opposite of their answer is true unless proven otherwise. Trump is a Dictator without a turbin, I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.👄
- by:
- 1 day ago
President Trump and his Administration need to contain these leaks before they become 'cracks'.
- by: @closerone9414
- 1 day ago
Elon Musk is the "my pillow guy" of this administration. Giuliani as it were.
Broken, Down & Out. -
- by: @alanb70
- 1 day ago
His administration is fraudulent
- by: @marieroccia7843
- 1 day ago
What is she doing in our government? Com on!!! We won’t find a true American to hold this position??? What is really wrong here???
She wants us to lose she wants to get rich with people’s work and the moment she married her brother NOW there’s something wrong with us for letting her walk around like a dumb bell in our government -
- by: @Robin332
- 1 day ago
Drain the swamp
- by: @bernadettealmeida2847
- 1 day ago
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏we need to know where is the money where did our monies go all states should be investigated ,,,there are questions ,,,,,, why would there be a race to stop DOGE this has to be done the incompetence that we have seen my opinion The Lord God bless us with his soldiers President Trump and His Team ,,🙏🙏🙏🙏this Administration a Blessing,,
- by: @ggood7617
- 1 day ago
Yea you found your fraud.
- by: @KristinaDisney777
- 1 day ago
🌋🌋🌋 time!
- by: @Esteban-mg2cy
- 1 day ago
So, to whom does DODE renumerate???? How do those "stolen" funds make it back into the "publics" pocket???? Just askin👽
- by: @seansullivan9995
- 1 day ago
Hundreds of billions of dollars, you know he lying if his lips are moving.
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