Why Trump's Goal Of Annexing Canada Would Actually Lead To The Canadian Takeover Of The U.S.
- March 20, 2025
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- 18 hours ago

- by: @suiybnfisyfe
- 18 hours ago
These type of videos are only designed to confuse and divide the masses.
- by: @Jfwqs7212
- 18 hours ago
Don’t want any part of Amerikkk
- by: @PimpyGDawg
- 18 hours ago
Everyone here knows that if the US were to "annex" Canada, it would be under two conditions: 1) it would be a violent invasion, and 2) Canada would be an occupied territory with no democratic rights who would never be able to vote for democrats anyway.
Stop these idiotic gotcha-style pseudo "thought experiments" thinking that Canadians would happily participate in the electoral traditions of our would-be conquerors and oppressors. This is just stupid. Stop this. This is beneath you.
- by: @DonnaVandyken
- 18 hours ago
But Canadians are not really interested
- by: @TerryHoldbrooks-l8k
- 18 hours ago
Gosh it would be great if Canada took over the US.
- by: @jvanpaten8787
- 18 hours ago
The French would be OK as YOU in the USA have several small French communities – I think USA becoming Canada would be awesome – AND Medicare would be 99% paid – COOL
- by: @chaliwen7217
- 18 hours ago
Just take over Sitka, Alaska
- by: @user-ez7ve6oe7k
- 18 hours ago
They are pushing the 2030 agenda. They want to make the north american union. One of the 10. Thren destroy the economy with bogus trade wars. Then bring in the digital world currencies. Social credit scores and likley more forced vaccines. Along with wars and famine. Its literally playing out in " warp speed". 😮😅
- by: @l3LiTz
- 18 hours ago
I didnt watch the video yet but this is the best headline of 2025!
- by: @StrikeValkyrie
- 18 hours ago
I was under the impression that much of the western part of Canada is considering secession and that the US would be aiding in this. We could therefor ease this event by assigning them a status like protectorate territories where they would be exempt from political integration thus being able to develop (or, in this case, redevelop) their own political standing. This could empower the territory, protect our political structure, open the door for financial endeavors, and expand the US far north thus better defending us from attempts to approach our country from the northwest. I'm not saying I believe in or agree with all of this. I'm only pointing out that they don't necessarily have to become 'states' that have political representation.
- by: @AwakeningToSpirit
- 18 hours ago
News flash! We don’t want it!
- by: @xray2785
- 18 hours ago
You should be so lucky
- by: @carenwhitfield475
- 18 hours ago
That sounds about right!!
- by: @PaulG.x
- 18 hours ago
Sure Canada has British Columbia and Prince Edward Is , But USia has North and South Carolina:
"King Charles II granted eight lord proprietors a colony they named Carolina after the king"
Georgia: "Named in honor of King George II of Great Britain"
Virginia: The name Virginia for a region in North America may have been originally suggested by Raleigh, who named it for Queen Elizabeth I in approximately 1584. -
- by: @robertt9342
- 18 hours ago
The US does have New England.
- by: @sm111391
- 18 hours ago
Canadians live in a great country and have no desire to become part of America. There is too much violence, inequality and lack of affordable healthcare, in America, for Canadians to stomach. Overall, Canadians are happier, healthier, better educated and live longer than Americans.
- by: @richardmogie2893
- 18 hours ago
Pure nonsense. Just inheriting a media outlet doesn't make you a journalist, an analyst or a smart guy.
- by: @Lunarwarrior411
- 18 hours ago
Um, Canads has Cowboys….
- by: @bobbush5339
- 18 hours ago
Canada needs not to depend on the USA and have free trade with EU, China and India. Join EU as member nation. One supplier, one vendor and one customer policy never works.
- by: @chrisscott6727
- 18 hours ago
Lmao, that's assuming they would get that kind of representation. They wouldn't. Canada would be a territory of the US like Puerto Rico. No senators. No representatives.
- by: @koru9780
- 18 hours ago
- by: @GreenZ23
- 18 hours ago
Actually Canada would become only 1 state, and have 2 senator 1 gov
- by: @AmandaConley-lm2dk
- 18 hours ago
Canadians hating on us hurts so bad. I hope they don't build a wall.
- by: @JohnAmbachtsheer-h3n
- 18 hours ago
The UNITED STATES OF CANADA, SOUNDS OH SO MUCH BETTER, and the can call The Gulf of Mexico 🇲🇽 The Gulf of Ontario. It's gotta ring to it.
- by: @Politics-m7n
- 18 hours ago
Why always wanting us,🫵 for the third time, No !!!!🫷….but thank you for the offer ☠️ Hey, we can stay neighbors🤝, how about that!! You guys on bottom👇 and us on top👆, like cherries 🍒on ice cream🍦Now lets be Friends again 🇨🇦🫶🇺🇲 and keep solidarity until this orange 🤡 is gone.
- by: @JanMaklak
- 18 hours ago
watch out for us Canadians!!! We would turn you into socialists in no time. Bernie Sanders and AOC ! Oh No!
- by: @operator9858
- 18 hours ago
i laughed so hard they heard me upstairs lol
- by: @flowerlover73
- 18 hours ago
This is absolutely ridiculous!!
- by: @Scotttyist
- 18 hours ago
The US eh?
- by: @rajsar7104
- 18 hours ago
- by: @MrTudenom
- 18 hours ago
If Canada joined the US would effectively become a single party state and it would be all over except for the crying. Canadians (I’m one of them) need to experience the consequences of our voting patterns or else we’ll never change, we’re far too comfortable stealing from our grand kids.
- by: @ryanjohnson3615
- 18 hours ago
As an American, the idea sounds fine to me right about now.
- by: @tmdavidson1478
- 18 hours ago
We don't want to get embroiled with the messed-up marriage that is the red and blue states. Fix your own problems. Divorce already.
- by: @unfamous775
- 18 hours ago
Huge tax breaks says the rich guy.
- by: @Daviticus042
- 18 hours ago
We have cowboys here, too. In fact we have an annual event to honour them–the Calgary Stampede.
- by: @fuurinkazan164
- 18 hours ago
As a Canadian I can say you've barely scratched the surface of this.
- by: @JamesBlake-i1l
- 18 hours ago
Canada 🇨🇦 retaliates threatens to annex RD Island 😎
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