September 24, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Why Louisiana's $1.3 Billion Shrimp Industry Could Go Extinct | Big Business | Business Insider

Why Louisiana's .3 Billion Shrimp Industry Could Go Extinct | Big Business | Business Insider

    • 8 mins ago

    that poboy looks so damn good

    • 8 mins ago


    • 8 mins ago

    Not good for that money. They are spoiling it.

    • 8 mins ago

    I don’t want any shrimp imported from India 🤢

    • 8 mins ago

    82?? Got damn he must got black in him 😅 dude looks like a 50 yr old that worked everyday thats a blessing

    • 8 mins ago

    It's the Omega 6 sandwich from inflammation hell. It's shrimp, deep fried in rancid seed oil then put between two halves of a loaf of bread slathered with omega 6 mayonnaise.

    Omega 6 fatty acids are super inflammatory and needs to be countered with equal amounts of omega 3's. The South is the cancer capital of the world because everything is deep fried in rancid seed oils (corn oil, canola oil, soybean oil, etc.)

    Bobby Kennedy hope to address this poison in the upcoming Trump administration. Look for a return to much healthier lard and tallow – animal fats that don't go rancid quite so fast.

    • 8 mins ago

    That sandwich looked disgusting. All that puffed up bread and breading, and "pure vegetable oil", and a little tiny piece of shrimp, zoom in close or you might miss it. Do you really want to know what "vegetable" oil is?

    • 8 mins ago

    You know that shrimp coming from Mexico is the same one coming from the Gulf of Mexico 🤡

    • 8 mins ago

    We only use wild shrimp. Frozen shrimp lol

    • 8 mins ago

    Same situation on Georgia’s coast. Please give any restaurant serving imported shrimp a bad review!

    • 8 mins ago

    Also in the 80s, homes were dirt cheap in California, which was about 167,000. Now? About a million. If we're talking about the nation as a whole, then the median home was under 50k in the 1980s.

    • 8 mins ago

    Them shrimp gone get ate

    • 8 mins ago

    I want it. Too bad I'm allergic to it.

    • 8 mins ago

    Domestic…. Buy only Domestic..

    • 8 mins ago

    Stop over fishing them greed is making the industry go under it could happen to anything that you fish for

    • 8 mins ago

    India is a Fifthly place…

    • 8 mins ago

    Looked up their menu. A Large size sandwich is $15.49 and a Small is $11.49.

    • 8 mins ago

    You can't compete with places like India, with the way they treat their employees. It's basically slavery over there. Just look how they live. Research the India shrimp industry. It's disgusting. We need to ban the import of shrimp from there.

    • 8 mins ago

    I'm afraid of Indian shrimps, but they are everywhere…

    • 8 mins ago

    Thats the reality for many "You make the same amount of money now for working 40 hours a week as in year 2000" but oddly some make more money than what you will need in 10000 lifetimes. Prices have gone up but the wages are the same only the average wage that has gone up.

    • 8 mins ago

    honestly shocked that people would buy foreign seafood when there is local sources… sure it may be cheaper, but I cannot imagine any seafood that would be or taste better after being transported across such distances…

    • 8 mins ago

    Shrimp from Asia are fed human shit nothing but human shit, wild shrimp are the only way to go

    • 8 mins ago

    16:05 say anything to present the other party in bad light and show only bad footage. bravo miss!!

    • 8 mins ago

    No food product from communist China is trustworthy. None. I want it all labelled. Stop the hiding game.

    • 8 mins ago

    So the waters are overfished, college education is expensive and Americans eat too much shrimp and sandwiches that are way too big. I feel bad for all these people as they are hard workers. The only option which would raise prices is to put a larger tariff on imported shrimp. You also need tougher labelling.

    • 8 mins ago

    Everytime I got wild shrimp from the gulf it ends up tasting like iodine/ammonia.

    • 8 mins ago

    I wouldn’t mind getting local shrimp. But most stores mislabel to miss lead the consumer.

    • 8 mins ago

    just need to increase import taxes to equalify prices of foreign goods competetive with home grown businesses. the difference with foreign imports is they don't have to spend 7 dollars a gallon of gas or 30-100 dollars for daily food.

    • 8 mins ago

    Those shrimp pools are a disgrace. Unbelievable

    • 8 mins ago

    Perez Jason Moore Kevin Hall Kevin

    • 8 mins ago

    Ain’t nothing like Gulf Shrimp. This is making me hungry AF

    • 8 mins ago

    I really love Louisiana. Its people, the food, the music.

    • 8 mins ago

    Shrimp is the dirtiest food. I tried it once and don't like the taste either. Moreover, Bacteria 🦠 preys on 🦐

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