Why Amazon, Microsoft, Google And Meta Are Investing In Nuclear Power
- December 30, 2024
- Less than a minute
- 2 months ago

- by: @BigMike10960
- 2 months ago
There’s a big opportunity in the nuclear fuel supply gap in the next few years
- by: @HilalMustafa-n3h
- 2 months ago
The Adaxum token presale is live! I’ve already got my ADX tokens…don’t miss out on this early opportunity before prices surge.
- by: @REGGIEGrabowski-b6c
- 2 months ago
Looking for a presale with strong fundamentals? Adaxum is delivering on all fronts!
- by: @Bearfacts01
- 2 months ago
About 25 years late. I guess better late than never!
- by: @matt.stevick
- 2 months ago
told u so
- by: @Just_Johnnie
- 2 months ago
I am wondering what’s going to happen in California. Is California going to be bypassed by the new technology boom?
- by: @_ata_3
- 2 months ago
Lets give GAFAMs what they want. What could possibly go wrong?
- by: @SIatter
- 2 months ago
1:20 that is nikola tesla reborn, he had to have done it on purpose, surely
- by: @dancraig58
- 2 months ago
Customers will pay for it.
- by: @georgiradulov5307
- 2 months ago
Yeah, Nuclear Apocalype!
- by: @ramiusstorm5664
- 2 months ago
CBDC meets forever worldwide blackout when all money is digital. Plutocracy and Technocracy are doomed.
- by: @petertwining5729
- 2 months ago
So the possibility tech industries will control AI, nuclear power, internet, etc. l am sure the tech industries will only have the best intentions, greed, power and control won’t be part of their agenda, but then again….
- by: @benmcreynolds8581
- 2 months ago
It's sad it took the AI power demand to actually get these individuals who are in power to finally demand change. Nuclear energy should be the main source we use to power our power grid. We can use alternative energy sources in collaboration with that. This is the best option to improve our environment & lower our emissions.
The more I've learned about our power grid, the more I've learned that modern nuclear energy options is our best option. Molten salt reactors, LFTRs, Thorium Reactors, Small form reactors. Utilizing our advanced technology, Improved engineering & material science. Utilizing our greater understanding of safety & well made designs. We have so much more advanced computer technology & robotics that can be used. It feels like even tho tons of advancement has occurred with engineering designs, safety measures, etc. It still doesn't matter to most people. It's like most people are ingrained with a natural negative response when talking about nuclear energy. It's a bummer because i truly believe that our best option for our future is to start utilizing Modern advanced nuclear energy options in our electrical grid. It's just proving to be challenging to get politicians to get on board.
It will really allow places to be much more energy independent. Less reliant on fossil fuels. They'll have efficient, stable electrical grids and the rest of the grid could experiment with alternative power sources, power desalination plants, etc.
We need to heal from the trauma of our past. See & learn that those things only happened solely from Us not understanding what we were doing when it came to nuclear energy at the time. We didn't have advanced enough technology, material science, engineering, safety measures, understanding of how to go about everything, etc. This source of energy will greatly help the world improve towards the future and lowering emissions. More than anything else could, while also providing a very stable electrical grid system. Currently we have alternative energy options but the majority of our grid is powered off of fossil fuels and emission producing sources of energy. We will be so much better going forward commiting to modern advanced nuclear energy options.Did they outlaw electricity or oil, coal when things went wrong in the early days of those fields? No! They kept going and understood things usually are bumpy and difficult in the beginning and kept going even tho those sources negatively impacted our environment. A huge issue is government BLOCKING any sort of progression from happening. We'd be lucky to see the slightest projects approved or finished with-in the next 100 years.. It's very annoying to see how much we have gotten in our own way when it comes to improving or advancing certain things. Instead we let fear, money, man made "required legal processes" Stop us from doing anything other than wind, solar, oil, natural gas, damming our rivers, mining for minerals… It's very frustrating because we should be able to use all these options in collaboration. If we actually wanted to improve anything. That's what we need to do and stop letting so much potential get blocked from ever occurring in the first place.. It's really irritating. I wish certain people didn't make this so "complicated and difficult" Why would any reasonable person want to block progression?
In my opinion it's been irritating that our society has taken this "it's up to each individual person to make a difference" approach. When that just plays off of people's emotions. This issue is so much bigger than individual people. We need countries/states to get on board. It's the only way we can make even the Slightest difference. We've already waited too long. Everyday is a day wasted & we haven't even made a dent in improving our situation.
The fact that Desalination is so energy intensive but fresh water is so important.. What If we dedicated nuclear energy to be the main energy option to run these energy hungry desalination plants?? Idk why we aren't already doing this anywhere we could…?
Seriously allow yourself to think about it.. Nuclear power produces basically no green house gas emissions. It's extremely energy efficient. The list goes on. So why are we not utilizing this… We are being extremely too slow, too reserved, too cautious, too inactive to even make the smallest dent into our climate issue and our energy issues. It's holding back progression across the board in many different area's.. It's honestly getting really frustrating. I thought we would be more motivated than this. More active than this….? -
- by: @davidblevins9513
- 2 months ago
Hmm maybe a lot more electric cars Amazon trucks a lot more
- by: @roysmith5597
- 2 months ago
I wonder if the producers at CNBC (and the viewers) are familiar with "Limits to Growth"?
Or Peak Oil?
There is no "energy transition".
There is only an ever increasing demand for both electricity and other forms of energy. The increase is exponential (A full factor for AI each decade), yet energy available to do work is not infinite, but is peaking within a decade.
The far more interesting story behind this one is the crash course we are on, with Big Tech pushing the throttle all the way to the floor. -
- by: @Cybersthenix
- 2 months ago
- by: @attila2246
- 2 months ago
Giving google, Amazon and all these Oligarchs access to nuclear power is totally a good idea. Nothing could go wrong.
- by: @jeepz669
- 2 months ago
They finally figured out how to make more money with nuclear power than gas or oil… probably
- by: @Boolai
- 2 months ago
So what happened to big corps anti nucluer stance? Oh yeah they need profits. lol
- by: @Abcde0-e5k
- 2 months ago
- by: @วิชัยเคลือบวิจิตร-ฆ7ส
- 2 months ago
- by: @dengist8172
- 2 months ago
Somehow restarting nuclear energy is considered "far-right" in Germany
- by: @Starfish2145
- 2 months ago
We should never have abandoned nuclear power
- by: @sethisevilone02
- 2 months ago
its about time
- by: @shanehess8950
- 2 months ago
Vistra! Vertiv holdings
- by: @Smartskull0
- 2 months ago
Stop having kids folks! Spare them all the harm & suffering in this cruel world we live in. Respect your hypothetical children’s autonomy by upholding their right to not be born without their consent.
- by: @PonyboyKim
- 2 months ago
how does he drink coffee? dip sauce?
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