'We Got Played': Tim Burchett Blasts Just-Passed Government Funding Bill
- December 21, 2024
- Less than a minute
- 3 months ago

- by: @truth0149
- 3 months ago
How about passing a law that if you don't balance the budget then you're not eligible for Reelection .
- by: @MichaelTorrance-p8c
- 3 months ago
Coin sense won out in the end! These deplorable scum actually tried to cut $190bil in child cancer research instead of cutting any defense spending or other right wing projects! They are clueless! God help us starting next year!
- by: @paisley1134
- 3 months ago
Who gave more money to Ukraine? Who? I have never felt such hatred for anyone or any group of people but I am as near it as a person could be to feeling it about Biden and his administration. Merry Christmas? There’s a lot of us for the first time ever that can’t afford to have Christmas,no dinner and no gifts. Thank you to our government. I bet Ukraine is having one though.
- by: @JohnDoe-yr3xo
- 3 months ago
Americans First stop giving away money and getting zero return.
- by: @elsierodgers4874
- 3 months ago
Democrats are going to stand up against Trump and the billionaires for the next 4 years.
- by: @Cashews-g3z
- 3 months ago
It's president musk fault for what happened last night.
- by: @Fullchiselchainsawartistry
- 3 months ago
This video explains why they don’t need a raise! They can’t even do the job! They are all worthless!
- by: @rickylaw8187
- 3 months ago
Funny how y'all talk about millions and billions as if I'm talking about helping my kids with 20 and thirty bucks.
- by: @georgeharrison979
- 3 months ago
We're gonna get a new Speaker!
- by: @LisGraybill
- 3 months ago
Stop spending money on these things. It's really, really sad.
Me and my kids and my husband have been hurt so much. We lost so much of our lives hurting.
You're supposed to help me. You can start by dropping my charges and probation. And then, the money I asked for. -
- by: @bensonhedges5471
- 3 months ago
This means DOGE is useless.
- by: @jodiezaffke4472
- 3 months ago
This guy sucks.
- by: @studyobserve1
- 3 months ago
Money laundering… RICO
- by: @AdamEwart
- 3 months ago
Yes, played buy President Musk. Have to admit, his timing was impeccable. Swooped in with a few weeks left of the campaign, paid his ticket to a seat at the Whitehouse, and now pretty much owns Trump AND the United States. So busy looking for secret deep state puppeteers were you, Musk just breezed in the front door 😂😂
- by: @Davidjohnson-zd3bk
- 3 months ago
He just mad he didnt get a 40% raise..politicians are so corrupt.. they dont have our best interests in mind
- by: @matthewjohnston1400
- 3 months ago
The best thing to come out of this manufactured crisis is Trump revealing his plans to expand the debt.
- by: @artyfhartie2269
- 3 months ago
Both Democrats and Republicans left out funding for cancer research to save children
- by: @benjaminwhite4316
- 3 months ago
Never be leave the dems
- by: @northerncold6303
- 3 months ago
This is why Congress is a mess. You can never believe the Democrats. The Republicans need to grow-up and vote as a block. Reminds me of Charlie Brown trying to kick the football with Lucy holding the ball. If you keep this up for the Trump administration it shows you don't know how to lead, you are part of the problem.
- by: @951WoodworkDesigns-bx4kn
- 3 months ago
Congress usually never reads these spending bills! They don’t know what’s in them, they have no idea how or where the money figures comes from and, they never consider for a minute that these bills are financed by hardworking taxpayers. Most don’t even care, they just vote yes and move on. In my opinion, congress has caused far more harm to this country than anyone, even foreign countries!
They all had an opportunity to read the bill, but it appears Elon Musk and VR are the only two that actually read it and, after doing so they summarized the ridiculous and questionable funding issues. Because of this, the democrats are pissed off and don’t believe Musk or anyone other than congress has the right to question where taxpayer money is being spent! And let’s not forget, the Republican house speaker initially approved the original bill and agreed to put it up first a vote.
It’s past time that something is done about congress! There needs to be term limits and all the career folks in congress needs to be voted out of office and, insider trading needs to be banned. There also needs to be a type of DOGE team that oversees all expenditures by congress. They won’t have any authority, but they can inform us exactly what’s in each bill and how each congress members vote.
Based on what we know about Biden’s faculties, which have been proven by the WSJ and others, it is my opinion that Biden shouldn’t have the power to approve this latest bill and, everything he has done over at least the past several months should be rolled back as it wasn’t Biden who was in charge, but it was his staff who don’t have the authority to do anything!!!!
- by: @mikeburnett7028
- 3 months ago
By voting against it, you did what you could. I’m proud of ya.
- by: @jankelley5527
- 3 months ago
Why do republicans always get out played, aka outsmarted. Sounds like all of you are in the same basket.
- by: @Mike-gc9ih
- 3 months ago
I wish they thought about us seniors like they do the ILLEGALS. I got my social security statement and all I am getting is 42 more dollars to spend. That is about 3 days of groceries. What are we supposed to do the next 27? 😢😢😢😢😢
- by: @pumpkin1911
- 3 months ago
They are telling people this money is going to this and that. Ridiculous and insane 😢. But actually we all know where the last of the money Joe is pushing through is really going 😢 and I think it is disgraceful and disgusting that no one is tracking where it is going and how they will use it and receipts to prove it. They put in that bill also that they will all get a 69,000 dollar raise 😢🤮👹 The American people pay there salaries I think 174,000 they get right now before they add 69,000 more is sickening and they do nothing for that kind of money!
- by: @sabinereynaudsf
- 3 months ago
Only in America do the politicians not want to rebuild infrastructure. No wonder China's economy gets stronger and the US starts to look like a developing country. Do these people not understand what makes the economy run? Anyhow, you keep an eye on costs, but you have to build the infrastructure to stay competitive. Especially a bridge by a major harbor. Those goods have to move. The harbor was closed and the clean up took a bit, that's what the coast guard money is for probably. Some money was paid by the insurance, but the ship operators still refuse to assume full responsibility. Meanwhile the bridge need to be rebuilt.
- by: @wcollins4191
- 3 months ago
If you got fooled then we need people who don't get played!
- by: @THEscgman
- 3 months ago
Congress keeps screwing up sending our money where it doesn’t need to go. I just can’t with this Congress suppose anything they do!!! Please God let trump straighten this crap up and add term limits! I’m sick of this system of corruption!!!!
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