WATCH LIVE: President Trump Meets And Ukrainian President Zelensky Have Fiery Meeting In Oval Office
- March 5, 2025
- Less than a minute
- 8 hours ago

- by: @happymaui
- 8 hours ago
Air Shield.
- by: @robertw5052
- 8 hours ago
Hey trump, demand money back from russia for american support during the nazi invasion of the soviet union… i mean the soviet attack on nazi germany 😅
- by: @МарвинСаттон
- 8 hours ago
Длится история век от века,
Пришел человек без костюма к костюму без человека!
И вспомнилось то, что давало с детства надежду:
Не одежда красит человека, а человек одежду!
(С) Геннадий Борщевиков -
- by: @Raxio_ional
- 8 hours ago
JD should've just stayed quiet😂😂😂
- by: @GromGoron
- 8 hours ago
This meeting will go down in US and world history.
- by: @ReturntoTrueDhamma
- 8 hours ago
Trump : Pathological lying, exaggerated self-praise, hatred for the weak, changing one's words without showing philosophical consistency, sexual promiscuity and frequent remarriage, recognizing only material values, fraud, dissimilarity, bluffing and showing off, a peculiar way of looking at others as if seeing objects, repeated betrayal, short-sightedness, blaming others for one's own mistakes, leading a group of fanatics, etc., etc. – these are symptoms of a psychopathy.
- by: @zorglub590
- 8 hours ago
in fact trump doesn't care about ukraine, he agreed with putin a long time ago to do business with him to exploit resources and put millions of dollars in his pocket, the american population who voted for him he doesn't care, he will exploit human misery but even more than the others
- by: @happymaui
- 8 hours ago
Overall it's difficult to find empathy
- by: @Carol-el3df
- 8 hours ago
Since 2014, Putin has broken his signature 25 times!
We are all stand with Ukcraine!❤Cease Fire isn't work without SECURITY GUARANTEES!
If Putin broke his signature in 2016, When Trump was US president,
If Putin didn't RESPECT TRUMP When he was US president in a deal for PEACE
Why would Putin RESPECT TRUMP now?
Putin has BROKEN his signature 25 times with several europeans leaders during this WARUKCRAINE needs military security!
Putin wants to destroy UKCRAINE peope!
And Putin is ganbeling with Third Word War!
- by: @happymaui
- 8 hours ago
That's hard though, hard and hardened.
- by: @happymaui
- 8 hours ago
get mined, it's strange
- by: @twta
- 8 hours ago
Zelensky's facial expression is interesting. He seems doesn't care about WWIII
- by: @johnnilan8240
- 8 hours ago
Zelensky’s dress code reminds me of Fidel Castro’s military dress code. Go pluck some chickens in your hotel ! If you are old enough, you may remember this reference.
- by: @happymaui
- 8 hours ago
I suppose the reason why the door guy closes the door with the back of their hand is to presume someone might be exiting without their knowledge and is always ready to open the door and potentially minimize damage to the hand.
- by: @k102hungred5
- 8 hours ago
Vance guy is literally interrupting off Zelensky, where are the etiquettes?
- by: @OwkezWog
- 8 hours ago
Zelenskiy was a comedian and bacame a president. Trump was a president and bacame a comedian.
- by: @Carol-el3df
- 8 hours ago
"In 2017 Trump, Macron and me signed a document Ceasefire!
But Putin has broken the deal!"So, I can't trust in PUTIN
If we sign an Ceasefire agreement now without garanties of soldiers protecting Ukcraine, nothing is gonna stop Putin!
He intends get Russia bigger destroying Ukcraine, Poland , Germany until ocuoy all the Europe!❤ I summarize the Ukcraine's president speech
- by: @sgbene
- 8 hours ago
The fact that I didn’t even know about this war until recently goes to show how badly misinformed American citizens can be. Im sorry ive been avoiding the news and politics for so long. If I had it my way nobody would be morally capable of killing or even hurting another human being.
- by: @triplebackspace3623
- 8 hours ago
Throughout history, Americans have stood as a beacon of freedom, justice, and resilience against tyranny. Today, as Ukraine fights valiantly to defend its sovereignty against aggression, we are reminded of our own struggles for liberty and the sacrifices made to preserve democracy.
In the face of recent actions by President Donald Trump, which have undermined support for Ukraine and left our allies questioning America's commitment to freedom, it is up to the people to rise. By purchasing Ukrainian war bonds, we can send a resounding message: the American spirit of defiance against tyranny remains unshaken, both at home and abroad.
These bonds are more than financial instruments—they are a declaration of solidarity with those who stand on the frontlines of democracy. They are a testament to the enduring values that define us as a nation. Let us show the world that the will of the American people transcends political decisions and that we will always support those who fight for freedom.
How to Purchase Ukrainian War Bonds:
ICU Trade Platform: American citizens can buy Ukrainian war bonds remotely through the ICU Trade online platform, making the process accessible and simple.Primary Dealers: International banks like Citibank and Raiffeisen Bank act as primary dealers for these bonds. Reach out to them to learn about purchasing options.
Ukrainian Brokers: Work with Ukrainian brokers who are authorized to sell government bonds. They can help with setting up a securities account and purchasing bonds.
U.S.-Ukraine Business Council: This organization offers resources and guidance on how to support Ukraine, including participating in bond programs.
These bonds are available in various denominations, starting as low as 1,000 Ukrainian Hryvnias (approximately $24 USD), offering individuals an affordable and meaningful way to contribute.
Stand with Ukraine. Invest in liberty. Together, we can uphold the ideals that make America—and the world—stronger.
- by: @HELESPONTify
- 8 hours ago
Where is Vicky Nuland?
- by: @w.a.m.6243
- 8 hours ago
A very interesting thought has just occurred to me and is making me think a little differently. It concerns Ukrainian billionaires and oligarchs and multimillionaires. I wonder to what extent these people actually support and finance their people and their soldiers. I think that it is also the job of the Ukrainian state to use and collect the money of its rich and super-rich and not to rely exclusively on aid from the USA and Europe. I have not heard anything about this topic so far, especially about how and whether super-rich and rich people from Ukraine are being made to support their country.
- by: @idalopez42
- 8 hours ago
From bone spurs, 45thCOWARD”
- by: @Partyanimal1066
- 8 hours ago
Ali has got lots of suits to give away.
- by: @brianmorecombe2726
- 8 hours ago
I like Zelensky honesty here but he should have kept stum(quiet)and not argued when Vance started the subject of the war .Zelensky should have remembered all the time the $100 billion aid in arms USA made to a country at war with Russia and should never have questioned either poltician.He got it in the neck from them and blown the minerals deal and further arms aid.What a mess up.
- by: @stigsterholt6460
- 8 hours ago
What's up with his feet's? The shoes dosen't seem to have feet in them?
- by: @Bryan-px3kr
- 8 hours ago
JD Vance ruined this.
- by: @Богдан-ж3ц5з
- 8 hours ago
Let Russia stop the fire first, and after the agreement is signed, we will see it.
- by: @TruthBeTold77
- 8 hours ago
As The devil's Helper Thereof, Truly Instagates And Starts The Argument.
- by: @TruthBeTold77
- 8 hours ago
As The Antichrist Comes In Peacefully With Flatteries, And To Build His Mega Beast System, That Trump Declares A National Emergency For.
- by: @carlsharkey7726
- 8 hours ago
I am all for and trump but he best end this war once and for all like he is so convinced he can do.
- by: @danielsiecinski7077
- 8 hours ago
Zelensky was 100% right … please read This …
If US will stop helping Ukraine will BREAK that agreement signet in 1994 … that's it -
- by: @juanpuyosa
- 8 hours ago
Vladimir Putin is your friend , and also, he Knew that you are a very person.
- by: @juanpuyosa
- 8 hours ago
Donald J Trump, you are good guy, and in the right Track, and way, and the People most of them are you now and always. Keep going that you know what you are doing. Have a nice Tuesday for everybody.
- by: @juanpuyosa
- 8 hours ago
Please, let me tell you one thing when, Donald J Trump told Zelensky, you do not have the cards to gamble, the president of the United States of América Would tell him, if you want to play cards, you can go to Las Vegas to play Black Jack or Power, and then, you Will loose everythings that you had now. Have a nice Tuesday for everybody.
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