Urgent: Canada’s Billion Dollar Tariff Benefits are Coming
- January 30, 2025
- Less than a minute
- 6 hours ago
- by: @devinptacek9122
- 6 hours ago
Then when this is all over you’ll get a letter from the CRA saying g you owe allot of money😂
- by: @G45H3R
- 6 hours ago
I'm all for standing up to the orange menace but this seems a bit silly. Hopefully if this passes they will be a bit more discriminating about who is eligible. What we need is to put money into building housing. And not just luxury condos either. I love our system of social democracy but it has been badly mismanaged over the past decade or so. We can do better. We are Canadian. We WILL overcome.
- by: @KYurk
- 6 hours ago
Are they going to charge us $50.00 for a pack of smokes to pay for this?
- by: @NelsonGuedes
- 6 hours ago
15:40 I would recommend the work of the economist Steve Keen. He uses data from the economy to simulate it, and shows empirically what's going on.
- by: @russellking1924
- 6 hours ago
So there’s an emergency recall of Parliament coming? Just as I suspected.
- by: @NelsonGuedes
- 6 hours ago
9:20 the cost of groceries went up in part due to supply constraints and in part due to corporations taking advantage of that and charging more than they needed to cover the inflation. This whole talk of monetary supply creating inflation is mostly a neoliberal lie.
- by: @NelsonGuedes
- 6 hours ago
6:30 the government is not only adding debt, though. It is also adding money to the economy, which stimulates it, leading to more production and higher tax income in the long term.
- by: @russellking1924
- 6 hours ago
I didn’t get benefits for 6 months. I almost went out on the streets. These tent people are being ignored at all levels. We are going to get more tent people and they will be ignored.
- by: @babylonmustfall
- 6 hours ago
One of the reasons UI(unemployment insurance) was created was so that when a worker lost their job(or quit) they could stay in the place they lived so they could wait for re-hiring or find another job or go skiing all winter. If tariffs are imposed and cause unemployment to increase laid off workers are eligible for EI. Not really sure what the need for a 'top-up' on an UI claim would be necessary because of tariff-inducing umemployment. UI is supposed to be self-funding and an economic stabilizer. Almost seems like a method to add(print) more money into the economy, which in a highly inflationary time would not be good for either working Canadians or Americans but the politicians, banksters, and ultra-riche seem to like these kinds of economic tactics.
- by: @tammiecarnegie366
- 6 hours ago
What a joke , once again the Canadain people are going to pay. While the illegals and corporations and governments, steal more money. No we need an election. These tariffs, to me sound like an excuse
- by: @fiendeng
- 6 hours ago
Canada is a socialist shtthole
- by: @GANK84
- 6 hours ago
Everysing iz going to zee plaan….said one person who likes to hangout in davos
- by: @faisal-ca
- 6 hours ago
I hope the Liberals and NDP don't end up delaying elections.
- by: @veronikak6983
- 6 hours ago
We don’t want these subsidies!!! Stop now! Inflation is through the roof we won’t be able to afford anything very soon. This is insane .
- by: @moosejawrobinson
- 6 hours ago
If these “benefits” get paid, and the Liberals win the election by turning this into a wedge issue, then we’re doomed as a country. Folks forget that Argentina (identical population to us) was once richer than Canada. But all that borrowing and money printing didn’t end well for them.
- by: @Michael-nr2wz
- 6 hours ago
They're either economically illiterate or intentionally destroying our money.
- by: @Dbodell8000
- 6 hours ago
Trump needs to bring down the US military on Canada's woke dictator and remove him.
- by: @CC-iq2pe
- 6 hours ago
If Trump causes the World Banks to go bust so should Digital coins go bust.
- by: @Dbodell8000
- 6 hours ago
Trudeau's step two welfare plan. This is Covid all over again. Don't go to work just stay home and we'll send you a cheque. Meanwhile we'll bring in millions of immigrant workers to fill the jobs. Now it's don't worry about that big bad Trumps tariffs cause we're gonna send you another cheque. Sound familiar?
- by: @macw4098
- 6 hours ago
Lol, the government needs to pay for…
- by: @kevinmac6508
- 6 hours ago
I guess the strategy of the liberals now is to blow a hole so massive in the deficit and economy, that no matter what the conservatives do when they come into power can recover Canada.
Then say it's all the conservatives fault the minute they step into office.
Scorched earth strategy
- by: @charliecamen
- 6 hours ago
Have we forgotten the mismanagement of the last fiasco? This government is insane, how do you feel sending your tax installments to these clowns every year.? We should tie this government with law suits so they cannot mishandle anything till the next election
- by: @G45H3R
- 6 hours ago
Thanks for trying to make this video impartial. Unlike most commenters I'm not gonna sit here and be some arm-chair economist. I need WAY more info before I would endorse or condemn a plan such as this. All I know is that we are Canadian. We will overcome. Stay positive. Help each other out. We'll get through……….. And fk Donald Trump.
- by: @Rentcollector
- 6 hours ago
I bet the liberals will claw it back again. 😂😂😂😂
- by: @Kingdiddley123
- 6 hours ago
Canadian dollar will be worth nothing soon
- by: @Dan-i5n
- 6 hours ago
As always, I'm just here for the comments. The average person is only here for validation and to shout at the clouds
- by: @keltickelly81
- 6 hours ago
Quite the over reaction. Let the tariffs commence. People fail to realize the USA will be dealing with retaliatory tariffs from multiple countries. Let's wait and see how that works out for them.
- by: @purethinking269
- 6 hours ago
$1 billion?
That is just the start.
Tariffs are not known but the government is ready to finance more debt to pay voters.
It would make a bit of sense if they waited for the tariffs to be known. -
- by: @steveradford9168
- 6 hours ago
All part of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM AGENDA to bring down the Canadian economy and usher in UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME, with a digital I. D.,making all Canadians totally dependant on our corrupt government. The current Liberal Government is +70% WEF membership,And follows that agenda……they WANT the tariffs, which is why they haven’t fixed the border issues.
- by: @tenny810
- 6 hours ago
Thank you
- by: @UrbanGridL
- 6 hours ago
Nice, more inflation. Can’t wait for a tomato to be worth $20 and a shed to be worth more than a house. Classic Canadian liberal government at work.
- by: @stevestaynor6662
- 6 hours ago
Instead of fixing the border. Liberals are going to spend billions for no reason.
- by: @jarredsegal6842
- 6 hours ago
Finally you start talking about the down side to all those government programs
Which only benefited the government fyi -
- by: @petermalevitch7105
- 6 hours ago
Did you know that they viciously went after people who drew that CERB….its not for nothing folks and if you have any brains you wont bite for this!!!! Youll regret it severely later on!!!!
- by: @yaboycookz
- 6 hours ago
if your moving to the u.s take me with you!
- by: @rtonce
- 6 hours ago
To put out vids, convinced you even have a clue, should be actually criminal. Government makes loads of money that is never mentioned, basically from selling things to other countries including in the massively lucrative tech and arms areas as well as agriculture and natural resources. Cutting to the point, automation and mechanization have the planet on a path to forms of UBI. It isnt called that, because ppl get upset. It is a divisive topic. It is in fact working just fine, as at 61, and dissabled, with dissability income and monthly rent suppliment, i live just fine. Bet a lot of you don't like to hear that.
- by: @glenrobinson916
- 6 hours ago
Canada has a serious problem. It is the Trudeau liberals. They have to stop spending our money. They have to call an election. We cannot allow anyone to be appointed Prime Minister before we have an election. Be worried. Trudeau’s next move will likely be to declare martial law. How can responsible people just accept this?
- by: @donaldmcintyre1236
- 6 hours ago
Buy gold people, before our idiot corrupt politicians destroy our currency completely,
- by: @fitness3038
- 6 hours ago
This video is misinformation and right wing bs. Nothing happens unless approved in parliament and nothing is going to be approved until after March. The government will be dissolved before anything can go to the floor. So this is just bs.
- by: @punkinhoot
- 6 hours ago
Lmao. essential workers were paid less than covid relief payments, still can't afford an 80yr. old one bedroom rental. Now the same workers who whined that benefits did not cover the bills need more benefits. Look at interest rates and figure how many $100 000s to earn a $1000. Now cut that spending power in half.
- by: @sewobsessedmama8851
- 6 hours ago
I'm interested to know if this is a maneuver into Brics….I just read that brics is backed by gold and we have the 3rd largest gold mineral reserves in the world. The concept of brics is a little over my head, but I got from it was a strategic plan from those in brics to force the markets so the US dollar doesn't have hold on other countries. It's based on commodities and dollars. It opens up universal basic income and is tied to gdp somehow which somehow allows governments to print more money when needed. I think it maybe it's a test to see if brics entry is a good idea. Again, I don't quite understand everything and am just piecing the puzzle pieces together. More and more countries are joining everyday. In theory brics sounds good as it could help raise everyone up and allow people to prosper but who knows if everyone will get along.
- by: @antonioanticipated
- 6 hours ago
Save in bitcoin CAD is going to 0
- by: @BnMProductions11
- 6 hours ago
Stop printing money for fuck sake. Just go through the economic downturn.
- by: @babysq7777
- 6 hours ago
Wellcome back inflation. We need 4k now
- by: @d-obvious
- 6 hours ago
this is designed to garner the votes from immigrants. looking forward to liberation by the Americans.
- by: @yajrewop4672
- 6 hours ago
These criminal liberal NDP members are very creative at finding ways to launder our taxpayer money in Canada😢
- by: @laurabaker5376
- 6 hours ago
If a worker is laid off, why do they not just go on EI?
- by: @DKC103
- 6 hours ago
How about taking those millions and put it towards the border where the reason for the tariffs
- by: @LawrenceMacMacster
- 6 hours ago
Just entertaining the idea of counter tariffs is ludicrous, even more self harm would be to try to subsidize a failing economy with non-existent money.
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