September 18, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Trump: 'This Was My Best Debate'

Trump: 'This Was My Best Debate'

    • 7 days ago

    I wouldn't mind disbanding the press bc my god, as soon as he was done talking: washfjrrjfdjs

    • 7 days ago

    Best debate😂😂 the guy has no solutions or clear answers to anything. Total looser.

    • 7 days ago

    😂😂😂 why does he lie so much

    • 7 days ago

    Good job Trump 👏

    • 7 days ago

    ABC / Kamala vs Trump

    • 7 days ago

    Yeah right !! You’re going to prison boy !!

    • 7 days ago

    President Donald Trump says it straight ❤

    • 7 days ago

    🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 He hates to lose.. He is delusional. 😊

    • 7 days ago

    If that was his best debate ever, he's done. He proved to the country that he is an old man that is totally lost.

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

    She had nothing on foreign policy or the border.

    • 7 days ago

    He must’ve bumped his head! He lost so hard he can’t remember 🤣

    • 7 days ago

    Really! No news channel is saying he won.
    He needs to go with Joe.
    He's old and tiring with allhis BS.

    • 7 days ago

    Homie you said immigrants were going to start World War Three by eating dogs in Springfield LOL😂😂😂😂

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

    She did the american style. No question answered. Just keep talking 😂

    • 7 days ago

    Did he eat the dogs

    • 7 days ago

    He's in denial as usual

    • 7 days ago

    He did awful, sounded derranged

    • 7 days ago

    She rocked it. He had nothing to add. All he does is try to fight

    • 7 days ago

    THAT was his best debate? 😂😂😂

    • 7 days ago

    Kamala is a master manipulator, she claims credit for successful policies as if they were hers, while deflecting any negative policies onto Joe like as if she wasn't part of it. This woman is dangerous.

    • 7 days ago

    She destroyed you and the world knows it! 😂😊

    • 7 days ago

    No I think the Joe Biden debate a few months ago was his best.

    • 7 days ago

    Please pray for inspiration before you vote. Please do not rely on party lines. Donald Trump no longer represents the values of the Republican Party.
    Please do not rely on anyone else’s opinions. Pray privately and seek personal revelation for which candidate will protect our democracy and freedom in the United States of America. 🇺🇸

    • 7 days ago

    What is her job as vice president? She said she is not joe Biden. But she wants to take credit for anything that is perceived as good now. And pass the blame on to Joe like she had nothing to do with it? If everything is so good? Why change? Because she is admitting everything is terrible even if she doesn't come out and say it!!!! The only thing Trump needed to say? Look at my record I will do everything the same way only better!!!

    • 7 days ago

    Trump is delusional.

    • 7 days ago

    3 against 1. Very disappointed in ABC bias and favoritism.

    • 7 days ago

    He’ll most likely decline another debate. Doesn’t want to be humiliated again 😂

    • 7 days ago

    Hahahaha. He should rewatch it.
    “I have a concept of a plan”

    • 7 days ago

    Very weak indeed😮
    Trump won hands down!!!!!!!!

    • 7 days ago

    Very weak indeed😮
    Trump won hands down!!!!!!!!

    • 7 days ago

    I disagree, poor debate performance by Trump. I don’t know at what point he stops taking the bait, it’s so predictable, but he keeps falling for it. Epic fail imo

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

    This debate was crap. He needs to do better or we're screwed.

    • 7 days ago

    It was his best debate. He literally debated 3 people at once.

    • 7 days ago

    When you lose in November your political career is over Donny

    • 7 days ago

    You lost Trumpy. Again

    • 7 days ago

    lol he was very bad and had so many lies. He doesn’t know the truth

    • 7 days ago

    She baited Trump, and he took the bait. I wish he would stick to policy. Ww all know what happened during his administration and what's happening now. He spent too much time defending himself. Not enough giving us answers to the issues.

    • 7 days ago

    She Crushed Him. He is so done. The lying has caught up with him. HARRIS 2024 ALL THE WAY. YOU GO GIRL.

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

    DonOld sounds like my grandpa who died from dementia.

    • 7 days ago

    What a script for the Simpsons 😂🤣
    Bart hiding behind his curtains & looking at alien migrants flooding his street carrying half eaten carcasses of his neighbours cats and dogs …hard to believe over 40m people want this guy to be president

    • 7 days ago

    He tells lies about himself now

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