September 23, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Trump Claims Kamala Harris 'Lied About Mcdonald's'

Trump Claims Kamala Harris 'Lied About Mcdonald's'

    • 25 seconds ago

    Still not voting for a felon

    • 25 seconds ago

    McDonalds don't claim her😂

    • 25 seconds ago

    OMG, Psycho!

    • 25 seconds ago

    More bloviating from the lying, I mean hot air blowing, grifter.

    • 26 seconds ago

    Mr poopy pants.

    • 26 seconds ago

    "Judge Joe Brown and Mayor Willie Brown are correct in most cases, that those women worked on their backs and kissed lots of asses and backstabbing to get where they are now? I know more than a few of those women. These women do everything to get where they are now."

    • 26 seconds ago

    " What's a big deal? In this country, teenagers all work in fast-food places, except for very wealthy families. She can't get people's sympathy by saying she worked in fast-food places. She said something else, too."

    • 26 seconds ago

    Dang. I'm glad to see that Orange Jesus is addressing the real issues facing the country. I for one think that a person's history working at fast food establishments is much more important than a national healthcare plan, or a childcare plan, or an infrastructure plan. Thank you, Trump-O the Clown, for your dedication to serious governing and critical legislating.

    • 26 seconds ago

    Trump can't talk without lying or bitching about other people

    • 26 seconds ago

    This guy's face is a lie.

    • 27 seconds ago


    • 27 seconds ago

    So a candidate who LIED ABOUT McDONALDS vs one who lied about "bone spurs" to dodge the draft, who lied and is still lying about a "stolen" 2020 election, lies that caused an attack on the Capitol that got people killed, and who is now lying about his involvement with the insidious unAmerican Project 2025, not to mention all the grifts, scams and falsifications of business records. Yeah, McDonalds; that's a real StOP THE PRESSES scandal LOL

    • 27 seconds ago

    This is hilarious. Somebody needs to autotune this into a song!

    • 27 seconds ago

    Trump 2024 President ❤🎉❤🎉

    • 27 seconds ago

    She did lie , why do you characterize it as a claim?

    • 27 seconds ago

    Going downtown Willy Brown on Ronald McDonald does not mean you have a job at McDonalds

    • 27 seconds ago

    Speaking BIG LIES about lies. What the heck is that?

    • 27 seconds ago

    She's full of it. 🍔&🍟

    • 27 seconds ago

    Trump's scared of Harris 😂🤣😂🤣 and it shows

    • 27 seconds ago

    maybe she is still working for them

    • 27 seconds ago

    Nah nah nah she didn't work at McDonald's everybody's misunderstood what she said. She didn't work at McDonald's, she worked at McDowell's over there on Queens boulevard

    • 27 seconds ago

    He’s so desperate!

    • 27 seconds ago

    Maybe the law should be changed, if you are legal, then your child is a citizen, if not legal, your child is not a citizen. Other countries have better policies about illegals.

    • 27 seconds ago

    His words seem like they don't match the what's being spoken, kinda like a dubbed movie, if they are hiss actual words, then awesome because i dam sure would like to know someone's past that's going to try to be put in charge of this county, butt the can all take a hikefrom Clinton's to Obama.who put this country in the toilet then flushed it.thought this country was founded by way of a republic. Hello???

    • 27 seconds ago

    I worked at Burger King a couple of month in Charlotte, NC. I bet they have no record of me ever working there either.

    • 27 seconds ago

    Trump lied about building a wall and Mexico paying for it. That's a little more important than whether she had a summer job at McDonald's.

    • 27 seconds ago

    Trump is the only one who cares about the country and it's people rather than wars. He was the only one who mentioned the poor state of America and the people. It was during his time when there were no wars. Now the current government along with many agencies are trying to finish him off with false claims just because he is reluctant to act according to their interests.

    • 27 seconds ago

    McDonalds dont keep records, also Donnie almost everything about your resume is complete lies.

    • 27 seconds ago

    Y’all seriously take trump word that Kamala didn’t work at McDonald’s. McDonald’s never had any internet for one in the 1980.

    • 27 seconds ago

    Does he ever talk about policies??? What good is all this negative shouting? He's so depressed because he lives in negativity

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