October 27, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

This Surprising Solution Could Bring Hope to Israelis and Palestinians

This Surprising Solution Could Bring Hope to Israelis and Palestinians

A Year Later: Proposing a New Path to End the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In October 7, 2023, a tragic event unfolded, marking a new chapter in the violent history between Palestinians and Israelis. The devastating war that ensued led to the loss of thousands of lives, the destruction of the Gaza Strip, and the displacement of millions. This past year has been filled with unimaginable suffering for both sides, with over 200,000 Israelis and 2 million Palestinians left homeless.

Despite our differing professional backgrounds, both of us – the former Prime Minister of Israel and the former Palestinian Foreign Minister – have come together with a shared vision. We have been searching for a partner across the conflict divide to bring an end to the war in Gaza and reignite negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Our goal is to establish a lasting peace that will pave the way for a coalition of moderate states, including Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab nations, creating a more stable and prosperous region for all.

Challenging the status quo in a climate where deviation from consensus is met with harsh criticism is no easy feat, especially during times of war. However, true leadership requires courage to present strategic solutions for a brighter future, even in the face of opposition.

Here is our proposal to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and forge a new path forward:

  1. End the war in Gaza and return Israeli hostages held by Hamas.
  2. Release Palestinian prisoners and withdraw from Gaza.
  3. Establish a new, independent entity in Gaza unaffiliated with current Palestinian factions.
  4. Implement a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders, with territorial exchanges to accommodate existing Israeli settlements.
  5. Administer the Old City of Jerusalem through a trusteeship consisting of five states, including Israel and Palestine.

While our proposal outlines the essential elements for peace, the details will require further negotiation by future leaders. We are committed to garnering support for this vision from Israeli and Palestinian citizens, as well as regional and global political leaders. Diplomatic resolution is the only path to a new tomorrow for Israel, Palestine, and the world.

As we navigate through these dark times, let us hold onto the beacon of hope and strive towards a future where peace and prosperity prevail.

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