THE FINANCIAL EYE News The Top 10 Must-Have Items for Your Last Home Inspection!

The Top 10 Must-Have Items for Your Last Home Inspection!

The Top 10 Must-Have Items for Your Last Home Inspection!

As you stand on the brink of homeownership, with the entire homebuying journey coming to an end, from crunching numbers on a mortgage calculator to touring homes and making offers, there is just one final hurdle to overcome – the ultimate final walk-through. This walk-through, happening before closing, is your last chance to ensure that everything is in order before you move into your new home.

What Occurs During the Final Walk-Through Before Closing?

During the final walk-through, you need to pay attention to these key points to ensure a smooth transition:

  • All requested repairs are completed satisfactorily.
  • No new maintenance issues have arisen.
  • Agreed fixtures and furniture are in place.
  • Systems and appliances are functioning, as promised by the seller.

While these may seem like detailed items to check off your list, it is crucial to avoid future surprises and frustrations after you have officially moved in. Issues can arise during the transition period, making the final walk-through a critical step.

When Should the Final Walk-Through Take Place?

Ideally, the final walk-through should occur as close to closing as possible. This ensures that the seller has vacated the property, giving you a clear view of the home in its empty state. Early walk-throughs allow you to address any emerging problems promptly, minimizing delays in the closing process.

Who Should be Present During the Final Walk-Through?

While the buyer and their real estate agent must attend the walk-through, the seller should be absent unless requested by the buyer. It is at the buyer’s discretion whether to include the home inspector or repair professionals, which might incur additional costs but ensure thorough oversight.

How Long Does a Final Walk-Through Take?

The time needed for a walk-through varies based on the home’s size and inspection thoroughness. Taking time to examine all the home’s aspects, from systems to storage, is crucial to avoid post-move-in surprises.

What Should a Buyer Look for During a Final Walk-Through?

When inspecting the home, focus on ensuring everything is as agreed upon in the sale terms. Stick to the checklist to confirm that the home is move-in ready without any last-minute issues popping up.

What Should a Buyer Bring to the Final Walk-Through?

During the final walk-through, bring essential documents and tools like the original offer, inspection report, agreements, a notebook, a camera, and the comprehensive checklist. This ensures you are prepared to document any issues and address them promptly.

What Part Does the Seller Play in the Final Walk-Through?

Sellers have their responsibilities during the final walk-through, including leaving the home in the agreed condition and ensuring all items listed in the sales agreement remain in place. Any repairs or damages must be addressed by the seller, as per the sales agreement.

What Happens if a Problem Arises?

In case of an issue during the walk-through, open communication is key to resolving it effectively. Discuss the problem with your real estate agent, who can communicate with the seller’s agent to find an amicable solution and prevent delays or disputes.

In conclusion, the final walk-through serves as the ultimate quality check before moving into your new home. By following the checklist and guidelines laid out, you can ensure a smooth transition and avoid any post-move-in surprises.

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