October 16, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

TD pleads guilty in money-laundering case, hit with US$3.1B in penalties

TD pleads guilty in money-laundering case, hit with US.1B in penalties

    • 5 days ago

    TD didn't pay their protection money to Uncle Sam. Every major bank operating in the world does this.

    • 5 days ago

    People blame the ones in power, yet forget to blame their own ignorance for not knowing whats going on. Yes what they done was take advantage of the people, but people allowed those in power to continue to take advantage of them for generations. Yes be angry, but be angry at yourself for allowing yourself to be fooled for so long. Your signature is the most powerful thing you have, and you have no idea how to use it.

    • 5 days ago

    Dominoes are beginning to fall……. Pack your bags… get ready

    • 5 days ago

    I'm pondering whether or not to move my accounts out of TD. At the very least I will be migrating new business away from TD. I want to see heads roll at the top and jail time for TD staff and especially executives as a result of this blatant criminality.

    • 5 days ago

    Money doesn’t grow overnight, but with the right investments, it can grow exponentially over time.,..

    • 5 days ago

    Take your money out now!

    • 5 days ago

    876 Kerluke Flat

    • 5 days ago

    Unfortunately, it is only the shareholders and depositors who are punished for these crimes. The perpetrators walk away scot free!

    • 5 days ago

    Didn't a senior executive of a german car company go to jail in the U.S. for a number of years from the fall-out of the Diesel Gate fiasco?!
    IMHO, a number of TD employees and senior management/executives may end up behind bars.

    • 5 days ago

    Hope that this will serve as a LESSON to other Canadian banks to be HONEST .Sooner or later, EVERY WRONG DOING IS CAUGHT ! !

    • 5 days ago

    Garcia Edward Taylor Jason Young Richard

    • 5 days ago

    Canada doesn’t know about it, USA has to told it🤔

    • 5 days ago

    Are these people still in “TD bank?”

    • 5 days ago

    Shareholders should be compensated for loss of trust.

    • 5 days ago

    Thank you America. I could not get a job for 11 years, I was treated like dirt pushed from contract to contract and every time I spoke up in Canada for my human rights I got let go or told to just do my job at every place I worked. No TD executive helped me get another job and I was a polite, top executive assistant in 2007. It's good. Everyone hurt me. I was belittled and treated like a child not an educated women including when I reported to BMO about gift card laundering and fake police calls and threats of arrest with them dressing up as police and having my address claiming I did not pay my taxes. Every job application is rejected because all the banks are connected to the places I apply to work. I hope I get a good paid job. I deserved it rather than Aww let's move on to the next BAU by blonde haired management.

    • 5 days ago

    Can you imagine what’s going on now in Canadian banks and nobody has a clue.

    • 5 days ago


    for god sake something has to happen about all the spoofing that the banks are doing the ceo's & upper management are making millions & millions criminally by rigging & spoofing then laundering the illegal gains though big commissions & bonuses to the ceo's & upper management & whom ever is in on the ponzi scheme ( which is the doj & the regulators for letting this crime happen) from there it is funneled to oversees accts tax free, the irs has to be involved, this will expose that doj & the regulators that are taking kickbacks to turn a blind eye to this crime, trading paper itself is not were the crime lies, the crime happens when they trade paper to decide the outcome of the physical spot price, this is considered racketeering, what would make this legal is to have a paper spot price, but oh no the criminals would lose their ability to rig the physical price & make millions, as it is every time they rig it they steal from the miners & the physical investor. disgusting. surely to god if all the youtubers push the justice to implement the right & honest way that trade the precious metals, to make it lawful there has to be 2 spot prices one for paper & one for physical, the crooks have created the perfect storm for themselves and it is considered racketeering & should be prosecuted on reco charges as they are a crime syndicate.

    it is time to squash these crooks , because what they are doing is criminal racketeering, every time they trade paper to manipulate the physical spot price, it is a criminal act, it is time for the miners to get 5 lawyers, tell these 5 lawyers to sue these banks, the ceo's & their upper management for 100 billion & the 5 lawyers will get 50 billion cut for compensation & the miners to get the other 50 for the losses for the last 50 years the crooks have been rigging the metals . I was a lawyer in canada, don't practice any longer, this is a open & shut case in my opinion. The U.S. has the rico law that was brought in for this kind criminal organization that rig & manipulate through racketeering, I tell you if i was still practicing it wouldn't take me long to get the ball rolling especially with a 50 billion compensation package, and while i am at it I would look very seriously at these regulators, they have to be taking kickbacks to turn a blind eye to this bs, not to mention something is going on with the doj as well as they also are turning a blind eye to this crime.

    (relate it to a professional hockey game, if you have three refs calling a game to decide the outcome of that game, that is considered a rigged game and it wouldn't take long for people to be in jail, same as, you have 8 banks trading paper contracts to decide the outcome of the physical spot price, this is considered racketeering at its highest. this is a criminal act.

    put these criminals in jail.

    • 5 days ago

    8:50 “We’ll see some heads roll unfortunately for some of them” 🙄 They pled GUILTY. They’ll have to pay up billions but the people at the top will still walk away with millions in their pockets and boohoo some execs may need to be shuffled around in order to put up the appearance of accountability. Unbelievable. The perspective on this story wasn’t “This bank is criminal; it was “How inconvenient they got caught. How long will it take before we can do profitable business with them again???” Unbelievable.

    • 5 days ago

    Ok who took the money from TD

    • 5 days ago

    Another financial crime committed by Jews

    • 5 days ago

    This is so embarrassing. Glad I’m not banking with these gangsters

    • 5 days ago

    Its just part of banking, Td is unlucky enough, leave US market so you don’t get taxed in another form

    • 5 days ago

    You guys allow all these criminals enter the US and conduct illicit activities. The banks ar supposed to curnlb the crimes that you guys allow to happen. It is ridiculous 😮

    • 5 days ago

    Gangster bankers! Shame on TD!

    • 5 days ago

    Is this the only way to be rich? Do we need to get our hands dirty?!

    • 5 days ago

    Imagine Bank staff taking gift cards to allow Money Mondering

    • 5 days ago

    Dam so much for fentanyl coming in from the border.

    • 5 days ago

    Jail time right??? bwahahaha. These banksters get away with murder and will still get their bonuses!! Fines will just be passed onto the customer!

    • 5 days ago

    The Mexican cartels that are doing business with the Harris-Biden regime selling billions of dollars of fentanyl in the US through the wide open border had to put their money somewhere.

    • 5 days ago


    • 5 days ago

    I'm telling u there stocks will suffer

    • 5 days ago

    Anything less than Prison isn’t throwing the book. A regular citizen would go to jail for laundering large amounts of money

    • 5 days ago

    The stock dropped 4% today, on high vilume. I deal with them in Canada. I hope the whole top office gets cleaned out, and jail time for the perps. The gangs/Cartels? Well I can't comment on them or I get a flag from UT

    • 5 days ago

    Fixed market 5%drop 8%atm rigged fixed what ever u wanna call it I’m surprised it dident go up on the news

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