September 19, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Stock Market Falls Sharply on Recession Fears and Bad Jobs Report

Stock Market Falls Sharply on Recession Fears and Bad Jobs Report

    • 2 months ago

    They can cut rates all they want to. The prices will not come down they will stay the same or go higher.

    • 2 months ago

    Leave the rates alone.

    • 2 months ago

    I want to know we’re all these jobs are that the Biden administration claims they have developed

    • 2 months ago

    Instead of printing money, the goverment can EASILY force companies to just fork up more wages when THEY still post record profits year by year. If they dont like it then tough shit because they cant exactly just leave the U.S market its suicide. But ofcourse, the ones who legislate have been bought by the mega corporations so they always make dumb excuses not to force low wage up.

    • 2 months ago

    Blaming the Weather 😮

    • 2 months ago

    We will have higher inflation number and fed won’t cut rate in September

    • 2 months ago

    Always enjoy watching your videos.

    • 2 months ago

    Watch out for loss of jobs due to AI

    • 2 months ago

    Seems as if the stock market is getting ready for interest rate cuts.

    • 2 months ago

    I got wreked on my csp

    • 2 months ago

    The days of being able to profit from artificially inflated prices are coming to an end.

    • 2 months ago

    The stock market fell sharply after truck drivers got the wheel. August the 2nd. was the day, who would have noticed, right?

    • 2 months ago

    We will never see rates that low again in our lifetime

    • 2 months ago

    25 basis point drop in September. Have 2 full months to assess then drop another 25 basis points in November and/or December

    • 2 months ago

    I ask you like three questions and you never reply back

    • 2 months ago

    What's a stack market?

    • 2 months ago

    The weather ?😂 smh we’re so screwed

    • 2 months ago

    no way the fed cuts by 0.5 because at that ppoint it'll be them admitting they dropped the ball. Thye cut by 0.25 atleast 2 times this year

    • 2 months ago

    Don’t y’all see it, they want everything to crash and burn when republicans get into office in 2025 so they can blame everything on them. They are going to time everything perfectly.

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

    Fed has been leveraging the fact that the market exploits their message to pump. Now market wants to dump to shake out the riffraff

    • 2 months ago

    I have ‘lost’ over $80 grand in my 401k , getting worried .

    • 2 months ago

    This recession has supposed to happen for the last 3 years😂

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