THE FINANCIAL EYE EUROPE & MIDDLE EAST Rising Consumer Prices in China: Is Deflation Still a Concern?

Rising Consumer Prices in China: Is Deflation Still a Concern?

Rising Consumer Prices in China: Is Deflation Still a Concern?

China’s Economic Update: CPI Rise in July Amid Deflation Concerns

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  1. In July, China saw an unexpected rise in consumer prices that surpassed expectations, quelling fears of persistent deflation in the country. The consumer price index increased by 0.5% year on year, exceeding the projected 0.3% rise.
  2. This surge marked the largest increase since February, indicating a shift from previous stagnation. However, concerns linger as consumer price growth has continued to remain weak overall. The ongoing property slowdown and intense industry competition, notably in the automotive sector, have contributed to this trend.
  3. Producer prices, reflecting factory costs and material expenses, decreased by 0.8% in July, maintaining the same decline as the previous month. Core inflation, excluding food and energy prices, showed a modest increase of 0.4%, down from 0.6% in June.

  4. Notably, pork prices spiked by 20% in July, the most significant jump since late 2022. This volatility stems from the African swine fever outbreaks between 2018 and 2021, which led to mass culling of pig herds in China.

  5. Lynn Song, chief China economist for ING, highlighted the impact of stagnant food prices contributing to the overall rise in CPI. However, he also identified downward price pressures in transport, communication, and rent. The real estate market remains a point of contention, with falling new home prices and ongoing policy support complicating the economic landscape.

As China continues to navigate economic challenges, policymakers have taken steps to mitigate the impact of deflation and stimulate growth. Unexpected cuts to lending rates, along with measures to bolster the real estate market, demonstrate a proactive approach to sustaining economic momentum.

Stay tuned for more insights into China’s evolving economic landscape and be part of the conversation shaping the future of one of the world’s largest economies.

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