THE FINANCIAL EYE CARIBBEAN President Burton Delivers Urgent Climate Change Call at UNGA

President Burton Delivers Urgent Climate Change Call at UNGA

President Burton Delivers Urgent Climate Change Call at UNGA

Dominica, a nation on the path to becoming the world’s first climate-resilient country, is calling upon the international community to uphold their commitments towards addressing the impact of climate change on small island developing states (SIDS) like itself. President Sylvania Burton conveyed this urgent message at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), highlighting the dire consequences of climate change that Dominica and other SIDS face on a daily basis.

Here are some key points addressed by President Burton:

  • Dominica and other SIDS face intensified hurricanes, devastating floods, and prolonged droughts annually.
  • Tropical Storm Erika in 2015 and Hurricane Maria in 2017 caused significant damage to Dominica’s economy.
  • Urgent, bold, and decisive action is needed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius and reduce emissions.
  • The industrialized world must honor their commitments and provide necessary funding to enable low-emitting states to build resilience.
  • Despite efforts to prioritize national climate adaptation strategies, cooperation from high-emitting countries is crucial.
  • Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, are a growing crisis that requires global leaders to unite and address collectively.

President Burton emphasized the importance of collaboration and support in achieving sustainable development goals. Despite efforts made, there is concern that progress towards these goals is not advancing as expected. She called for continued assistance in areas such as healthcare, peace and stability in Haiti, lifting trade embargoes against certain countries, and respecting human rights worldwide.

In conclusion, President Burton stressed the significance of aligning with nature and embracing a communal lifestyle akin to her ancestors, the Kalinago people, for the well-being of current and future generations. The call to action for the global community is clear – urgent, collective efforts are needed to combat climate change, address health crises, and work towards a sustainable future.

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