Legendary investor Paul Tudor Jones: I am clearly not going to own any fixed income
- October 24, 2024
- Less than a minute
- 4 months ago

- by: @brettm8970
- 4 months ago
Tudor has a little dementia going on. 😊
- by: @jonathanpeterson4028
- 4 months ago
Why did he say that Trumps plan cost more than Harris’. All the information I see says the opposite. Any one have a link to what he’s referencing?
- by: @MPDLR
- 4 months ago
Dumb Americans we are 🙂 Bottom line: We will pay more tax, and get less in return. That is the REAL bottom line. Ross Perot tried in 1992 – we were too stupid 😉
- by: @trentwhitlock3504
- 4 months ago
facial expressions suggest that he would like to see bonds even lower for an even greater short term trade!
- by: @clayhenley2023
- 4 months ago
Telling it like it is – hope "THEY" are listening.
- by: @stkedu
- 4 months ago
He succinctly states how unsustainable the current & future U.S. deficit is. Just wished the interview would have gone longer so that he could have outlined his complete investment strategy.
- by: @JayKayDowdall
- 4 months ago
They literally cut out the end of the interview where he says what he is investing in: Gold, Bitcoin, commodities
- by: @rickhayes-oh2zm
- 4 months ago
andrew is right. emerging markets bonds are a buy
- by: @rogerme247
- 4 months ago
Tax cuts on tips drop in bucket, these are low income earners and already under reported.
- by: @mpdowd12
- 4 months ago
Good interview. Quite bearish on equity historic valuation metrics
- by: @Chris-e3y
- 4 months ago
I completely agree with him about shorting the back-end of fixed income. But other than that, I think being long stocks forever is the best bet.
- by: @P__114
- 4 months ago
Why does the host take it personally wtf
- by: @firstjupiter
- 4 months ago
Why is the dollar so strong then.
- by: @Redwood4040
- 4 months ago
I'm a 52-year-old QA Specialist at Confluera, with an annual income of $150,000. Although I do have a retirement account, I'm keen on exploring short-term investment opportunities as I prepare to shift to part-time work in the near future. What would be the most suitable strategy to achieve my goals?
- by: @charlesamberwilliams1257
- 4 months ago
I seen an article that said he was clearly saying trump was going to win…
BUT when listens to this ACTUAL interview, I see that article was biased.He CLEARLY says the “markets” & Republicans are prepping for a possible trump won but says it could a front….
- by: @dwayneslens
- 4 months ago
Did they edit out where he speaks about Gold and Bitcoin? 😮
- by: @PedroG20
- 4 months ago
Relying on betting markets, especially when foreigners can bet, is incredibly delusional.
- by: @JoabKinard
- 4 months ago
Thanks for the breakdown! I have a quick question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
- by: @spock949
- 4 months ago
wouldn't yields drop which would make bond prices go up? why not hold bonds?
- by: @let0atreides
- 4 months ago
A 30 year bond, with a 5% coupon gives you 50% of your money back in 10 years, 100% in 20 and the last 10 years is pure gain. So it's not like you're risking everything, the risk decreases with time.
- by: @RonaldPaul-rs6kt
- 4 months ago
My strategy has always been to invest 25% of my income in the stock market at the beginning of each month. The second part of my strategy is not to sell for at least 5 years, but recently my portfolio has suffered major decline about $150k in losses. What can I do please?
- by: @trobinson14kc
- 4 months ago
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
- by: @tiggermedia
- 4 months ago
I like this guy
- by: @rodneybohannon6947
- 4 months ago
Did he say buy short long term treasuries, hence TTT?
- by: @DeniseMilaTeresa
- 4 months ago
aistockadvisor AI fixes this. Paul Tudor Jones avoids bonds.
- by: @wisted
- 4 months ago
Economic K-Fab. Interesting analogy. The US financial system is the WWF!
- by: @esquire9445
- 4 months ago
Comparing kayfabe to the debt is a great description. Kayfabe economy. That should stick.
- by: @jd218
- 4 months ago
To many interruptions you have an expert let him speak.
We kind of saw this before Bill Clinton had to cut the campaign promises saying the debt was much worse than he thought continuing the Poppa Bush path.
Then came the monitory reckong ball W and each prez regardless of party outspending the former without exception -
- by: @christopherl4249
- 4 months ago
I know that Paul Tudor Jones is a great trader, however, he seems to lack the bare basics on how to handle a debt level that is too high. If you are deep in debt do you go to your boss and demand a 20% increase in your salary? If you own a business do you raise prices to your customers by 10%? Of course not. You reduce spending ding ding ding ding ding!
Well Paul missed this obvious answer. He seemed to know the answer well enough in 1989 when in an interview he berated Reagan for increasing spending and borrowing when Regan had promised to reduce it. And I agree with the criticism. So why not level the same criticism at the Biden administration today which has outdone Reagan by lightyears and even outdone Trump who is also guilty of fiscal irresponsibility.
Unlike Paul I do not change my criticism based on which party is in office. Paul did clear up one mystery for me. Last week I was walking on the beach in Westport CT which is lined with 10, 20, 30 million dollar homes – all with Kamala Harris signs. Paul's remedy to raise taxes on everyone is certainly an act of self-sacrifice. I guess he will just have to downsize from his 82.9 thousand square foot yacht to a 73.1 thousand square foot yacht. We should all follow his example.One more thing, I do agree we are spending ourselves into financial oblivion, but that does not mean it ends in hyperinflation. Japan had a 98% debt to GDP in 2000 and a 200% debt to GDP ratio in 2019 – now it is higher. Japan had practically no inflation from 2000 to 2020. Instead it had no growth and ultra low interest rates. So how does Paul assume it will be different in the US.
- by: @jackz166
- 4 months ago
International? I don’t have any, all US large cap
- by: @super266
- 4 months ago
Nah sweetie… 😅. This wrestling fan trader doesn't seem to understand the difference between academia economics and real world economics. We have the strongest military in world history, and an army of slaves (sorry, I meant high quality immigrants) ready to sell their grandma to move state side. We have financially benefited from EVERY global conflict in the last 100 years, and if we're ever truly with our backs against the debt-wall, all it'd take to get out of that snafu is shake the world by the neck to make sure we extend our oxygen supply.
To explain it to you in wrestling terms: If the undertaker is about to win the match because everyone is on the floor, the judge suddenly stabs the undertaker in the back with a real knife and the Von Erich brothers win the fight (or whoever's the undertaker's nemesis. Sorry, I don't watch WWF because I have 14 braincells which is above the 10 braincells' max).
- 4 months ago
Everyone and their mother is short long duration 🤣
- by: @alphamale2641
- 4 months ago
Are they calling it???
Trump wins! Flawless Victory
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