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Learn How to Make Delicious Potato Pancakes for Less Than a Dollar!

Learn How to Make Delicious Potato Pancakes for Less Than a Dollar!

Completely rewrite the following article in a fresh and original style. Ensure the new content conveys the same sentiment and message as the original. The rewritten article should:
1. Start with a compelling introduction that hooks the reader (do not label this section).
2. Maintain any lists and points as they are, using numbering and bullet points where necessary. Rewrite the explanations and discussions around these points to make them fresh and original. Ensure the lists are formatted correctly with proper numbering or bullet points.
3. Organize the content into clear, logical sections. Subheadings are not mandatory. Each section should have a subheading only if it enhances readability and comprehension.
4. End with a strong conclusion that summarizes the key points and provides a closing thought or call to action (do not label this section).
Make sure the article flows coherently, is engaging, and keeps the reader interested until the end. Reorganize and structure the content efficiently to enhance readability and comprehension. Use varied sentence structures and vocabulary to avoid monotony. Avoid directly copying any sentences or phrases from the original content. Here is the original content: You need a bag of mealy potatoes, an onion, some eggs, and a ton of cooking oil. This will basically be a meal so full of fat, starch, and cholesterol that you’ll be able to hear your arteries hardening while you eat it.
Peel about 2-3 times the number of potatoes you would usually eat as a side dish if they were cooked and shred them using a grater. Unfortunately we don’t have a grater so this was one of those rare instances where the food processor came in handy. Also shred an onion to taste and dump it in with the potatoes.
Dump the shredded material on a towel and wring out as much water as possible. It is this step that will make or break the meal (and you).
Put the shreds back in a bowl (or in my case the pressure cooker since it is sufficiently bowl like) and add flour. I prefer to add just a little flour and then just keep adding eggs until the concoction is somewhat slimy, but there is lots of room for experiment.
Now use a skillet (I prefer cast iron because it lasts forever and one can use metal utensils on it with no harm done) with lots of oil (several table spoons per pancake). Make the pancake palm sized and finger thick. My first pancake wasn’t too good (the first pancake never is for some reason) but I quickly got the hang of it.
DW suggested eating the pancakes with apple sauce which we did. I think mustard is also a good option.

My overall opinion of this meal: It’s as unhealthy as french fries due to all the oil but also very filling for the same reason. It takes forever to make, especially if you don’t have access to foodprocessors or child labor (Hi mom! ). I’m not sure I would repeat this one since I do need my arteries at a certain thru-put level.
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