JUST IN: Bernie Sanders Issues Dire Warning About State Of U.S. As 2024 Draws To A Close
- December 29, 2024
- Less than a minute
- 2 months ago

- by: @georgegordner7795
- 2 months ago
"let them eat cake.'
- by: @chrispatrick7122
- 2 months ago
So let's do the socialist party thing is that what you are pushing to people to change America to suite your way of thinking.
- by: @robohauler
- 2 months ago
Damned right Mr. Sanders!
- by: @windalfalatar333
- 2 months ago
Bernie, read your Lenin and you might even have the remedy for this evil.
- by: @windalfalatar333
- 2 months ago
Thank goodness Trump won, or this truthful video criticizing the capitalist system would never have been out.
- by: @MrDayna39
- 2 months ago
Well, if people really care or are concerned, they should pay more interest in political matters, they should not allow their vote to be influenced by political propaganda messages, that's how the big money donors win power
- by: @GoGoGoDeeJay
- 2 months ago
All this and when it was time for him to bett Clinton he put the gloves on. I do not hate other wealth. Over the last 60 yrs congressional policy make the billionaire class! Musk get money from the govt SpaceX, Tulsa tax incentives these are congressional polices now he is saying this comes from no where. Stop it!
- by: @Geffo555
- 2 months ago
And yet fools vote the elite into power and even cheer as they are hoodwinked and exploited.
- by: @jimoconnor1275
- 2 months ago
Let us not forget, Of the people, for the people, by the people,…..Have you met the people
- by: @PookaBazooka
- 2 months ago
Oh look – it's class war o'clock!
- by: @grodnobuddy
- 2 months ago
Communist, communist, communist.
- by: @SorinSorin-y3j
- 2 months ago
Bernie is a giant of politics…
- by: @tonygandara4310
- 2 months ago
Okay but how come you don't say nothing about Nancy Pelosi and all the rest of the people in the Senate that have gotten Rich they came in for they retired rich working for Congress you don't say anything about all the danger that call the poverty all the danger that having open borders did you did nothing to stand up for America so stop crying stop complaining because you have not done nothing for America you have done nothing for Israel you are Jewish however you don't stand up for your own people how could you stand up for America
- by: @Kent-qo6xp
- 2 months ago
Sandman is paid for?
- by: @fletcherburke1110
- 2 months ago
Merry Christmas Bernie!
- by: @brucemcclelland904
- 2 months ago
Revolution is no longer an option.The way out is to stop consuming so much that we don’t really need, thereby draining their wealth. But they’ll just import people from places where people have so little that they dream of American wealth. The scary part is that the rest of the world may not put up with us much longer
- by: @davecaraballo
- 2 months ago
Bernie and his Good friend help get us here. When he had momentum and leverage, he didn't use it. He gave it to his Demented good friend. Neither party is good for the population. Both are owned by the war machine and corporations, and Apac to the point a genocide is happening in real time and our leaders support it with money weapons and un veto. Any vote for Bernie will filter to his Neocon friends.
- by: @davezie
- 2 months ago
The reason they are so wealthy is the work billions of times harder then the rest of us! Just got to get more part time jobs to keep up!
- by: @pangkiatloh4555
- 2 months ago
100% agree with Senator. CASH IS KING IN USA.
DEMOCRACY IS SLAVE TO THEM. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
A gov. of the billionaire, by the billionaire, for the billionaire.—Senator Bernie S. 2024. -
- by: @TonyJ1179
- 2 months ago
OK Burnie , We Know this disgusting Truths , Why are You Still Talking About it ? We the People are more Worthless then We've ever been , Thank You for your knowledge of What We Can NOT Do Anything About !!!!!!!!!!!
- by: @harriemeeuwis978
- 2 months ago
Funny then that Bernie Sanders gets re-elected every time until he's 150 years old obviously. Makes you wonder if the ruling predators may just tolerate him like the jestor on royal courts and find it amusing to hear him ranting for decades without any result against the political elite of which they made him some sort of a member. They probably think he's harmless.
- by: @waynelkohrjr.8557
- 2 months ago
So what more power to them
It's all because of the Whitehouse and the people that are destroying our country and nobody's doing anything about it… -
- by: @johnsumampau3145
- 2 months ago
Speaking like a true socialist..!!!
Just stating the problem long and hard.. but offering no solution..
- by: @Cold_Tides
- 2 months ago
I’m glad he is speaking up. But it’s not perfect. How are we supposed to believe in your party Bernie? Or you! After quietly not saying anything until now when you think you have a chance to run in 2028. You’re late. And old. And stuck in the two party system
Dude should have been saying this stuff about citizens united back when the DNC rigged him out of the race. Maybe acknowledge that as the country evolving rapidly the Democratic Party has evolved rapidly too. Negativly some might say. Why can’t you talk about how your party sucks now too , screwed you, helped screw America, and maybe we have evolved past a divisive two party system. I’m read for more options and less being boxed into a side. “You think this. Now you are that side. Now everything yo say is questionable”. Is half the countries perspective of the other half.
Talk about the soros family and how long they have been funding “local DA campaigns because the cost to effectiveness ratio is better than funding senate races” ever wonder why small crime seemed not criminal now
Talk about the world economic forum and their young global leaders program. Or the yearly Davos meetings where trillion dollar corporations pay for access to global leaders.
Talk about the government funded “NGOs” like American AID (advancement of international defender) and the National Endowment for democracy. How the government is funneling money into NGOs to censor and push narratives. If a democratic government did this they would not be democratic but if an NGO does it, well shit that’s not government it says it right in the name. non government…. Even though the national endowment for democracy has a government funded budget comparable in size to the Intelligence agencies and has ex CIA directors sitting on the board.
- by: @IraanOzono
- 2 months ago
I, and others are now begging…. With the EVIL Trump and Republican imminencey, Luigi-based openings, long-time Democratic Party mediocrity and now irrelevancy … What's a citizen to do? MoveOn petitions? [a complete waste]. Call/write your useless Senator or Representative? [Uhhuh] Throw bricks into UHC windows? [pleasing, but pointless]
BTW… I expect YouTube to deny or remove this post, and probably warn me about "community standards", or equal bullshit
- by: @TT-dz9bi
- 2 months ago
He should be ashamed of himself, for the damage of dividing the people…
- by: @westsparks6844
- 2 months ago
When any politician says "let me be honest with you" its time to turn and run
- by: @raymondhardie3880
- 2 months ago
Bernie, I am glad you still have a voice for true democracy, it grieves me greatly how the Democratic party has used deceit against you and undermined your voice for the everyday citizen, please don't stop speaking truth and I hope you fair well in all you do for truth and freedom as it was intended to be. I voted for Jill Stein and Butch in this last election as well as my sons and daughters and their spouses, we have had enough of this damn two party manipulated system of lies and deceit, it is grievous to see what America has become for the sake of a fiat currency system run by rich oligarchs and their 1% friends. Hope for real honest government inspite of this is what keeps us from giving up and tearing it down , God bless you Bernie!
- by: @improvisedsurvival5967
- 2 months ago
Democracy is the problem.
- by: @MichelleRice-d6h
- 2 months ago
I dont support violence so what are our options when everything is controlled by the uber rich and currupt politicians?
- by: @marklevenson
- 2 months ago
Bernie we love you if the DNC would allowed you to win the primary in 2016 and 2020 things would be much different .You were way ahead of Biden and I am sure you know it. We the people have to get rid of these corrupt parties.
- by: @josuecolon1012
- 2 months ago
Why is he taking the time to make this speech now ? Same wealthy individuals he is pointing out have been rich, didn't just become rich. Why hasn't he made this speech during Obama's presidency or Joe's? Now that Trump has been elected again he is calling for an uprising??? He has seriously lost his mind. He is so old, that must not being worried about spending his last couple years of life in Court Trials.
- by: @danafarrar3583
- 2 months ago
Here's what we the people can do:
1. Refuse to hate. Help each other. Be very kind. Take good care of your family. Forgive. Pray. Reach out to your neighbor.
2. Buy less, use less. -
- by: @joannsilva4715
- 2 months ago
America is done!!!! It was sold to the higest bidders! How was this allowed to evolve and destroy what our ancestors fought for, our freedom, our democracy, and Americans citizens! All the bloodshed lost for this country is flushed down the golden toilet by the greed of the orange stain! Fools voted for this freak show, but we all will pay the price!
! -
- by: @MichelleRice-d6h
- 2 months ago
Stand together how? They control everything! We are sick, tired, and hungry! What do we do to stop or change this? The vote didn't work!
- by: @zahirsiddique2909
- 2 months ago
- by: @DarrylRaymondLerette-g2q
- 2 months ago
Everything works fine (sic) until the next Carrington Event, then the world's entire economy collapses in an hour. And the Abomination that Makes Desolate happens to all of us. Mary, Joseph and Jesus, pray for us. ❤
- by: @kimnenninger7226
- 2 months ago
He is right but how do we fix the damage that has been done?
I really think that the MAGA people wanted to turn this around but I am concerned that this extreme take over has gone too far. -
- by: @TomFed
- 2 months ago
Covid killed us. Made us tired and weak. Haven't been able to work like I used to. About to be homeless, jobs are paying less. Homelessness up 18% thats sad. And it's alot of old people. Nobody is helping people about to be evicted.
- by: @reidwhitton6248
- 2 months ago
The oligarchs have ruled the US for a long time. It's not just happening now. It just getting worse. A major reason why Trump and MAGA is ramping up the scapegoating campaigns against immigrants and trans people.
- by: @andrewkerswell8657
- 2 months ago
Well said Bernie👍
- by: @AmorosoGombe
- 2 months ago
The Dems should campaign on vast income inequality, lack of social mobility, top 3 people owning more than the bottom 150m, no healthcare access, no education access, starvation pay, drug addiction, this is what matters, not woke identity politics!
- by: @Enlightenedshadow33
- 2 months ago
Let me be honest=I'm never honest but trust me this time🐍
- by: @LotusMoonTarot
- 2 months ago
So what’s the solution? Seriously. We vote people like you and none of this changed. I am a supporter of what you say I just don’t understand why no change or progress has happened over the years. This is a problem people in congress and our government created. We are relying on you to fix it. What do you want the average American to do about this?
- by: @davecaraballo
- 2 months ago
It's a game. He is a funnel. Nice words that go nowhere. He is in bed with Dems and only speaks when allowed or it makes no difference.
- by: @speakmymindify
- 2 months ago
From the party who plans a coup against their leader, states him incompetent to run then puts him back in place to pardon his crooked family. RIGHT BERN. LOL.
- by: @gofiodetrigo8756
- 2 months ago
read John Moody nothing has changed
- by: @brianburza6245
- 2 months ago
Ok Bernie you a Millionaire,Start giving it to the poor and live in one 3,000 SQ ft home. Always attacking Republicans. Take away all the Right offs for Company's and they and you will pay your fair share on Taxes.
- by: @clevebaker8399
- 2 months ago
The Bible believers have missed the mark! True believers are peaceful, caring, compassionate and tolerant!! No trumper is a good person! Sorry but true!! Thank goodness for Bernie Sanders! Peace to all
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