September 16, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Is insurance supposed to be this much? I’m drowning in $500 monthly premiums on a $2000 income. How can I find a better deal?

Is insurance supposed to be this much? I’m drowning in 0 monthly premiums on a 00 income. How can I find a better deal?

Hey Money Minder,

I’m shelling out about $500 every month on insurance, and honestly, I’m not the best at this adulting stuff. Last month, I finally bit the bullet and got myself some health insurance. On top of that, I also got a motorcycle and had to get that full coverage insurance. My car insurance is $160, motorcycle $43, dental $55, and health insurance $230. I have no idea if those prices are normal or if I could find a better deal somewhere, but it’s seriously wiping me out every month. I work in sales, my pay is based on commission, and my average take-home pay is around $2000. My rent is $575, and I feel like I’m drowning a bit here. Can you help me figure out a plan to stop this sinking feeling?

Seeking Advice,

Response from THE MONEY MINDER:

Hello There,

I understand how overwhelming it may feel to be juggling multiple insurance payments while also managing your rent and other expenses on a commission-based income. It’s great that you’ve taken the step to prioritize your health and financial well-being by getting insurance coverage. The prices you mentioned for your various insurances seem within a reasonable range, but it’s always worth exploring if there are better deals available.

One practical approach you could take is to shop around for insurance quotes from different providers to see if you can find more affordable options without compromising on coverage. You may also want to review your current policies and check if there are any discounts or adjustments available that could help lower your monthly premiums. Additionally, consider speaking with an insurance agent who can offer personalized advice based on your specific needs and budget.

Given your average monthly income and expenses, it’s important to prioritize your financial stability. You may want to create a detailed budget to track your income and expenses accurately. Look for areas where you can cut back on discretionary spending to free up more funds for your insurance payments and other financial goals. It might also be helpful to explore additional income opportunities or ways to increase your commission earnings.

Remember, financial well-being is a journey, and making small changes over time can have a significant impact. Take proactive steps to address your current financial challenges while also setting aside a portion of your income for savings or emergency funds. Stay focused on your goals, and seek support from financial professionals if needed.

All the best from THE MONEY MINDER as you navigate your financial journey towards a more secure and stable future.

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