February 28, 2025
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Investors should be long U.S. stock market on inflation fears, says Goldman's Sara Naison-Tarajano

Investors should be long U.S. stock market on inflation fears, says Goldman's Sara Naison-Tarajano

    • 12 seconds ago

    Love is a short sale…some people hold long after the magic is gone 💔 thinking Hoping it will come back and you'll get your money back

    • 12 seconds ago

    Trump is a clown

    • 12 seconds ago

    I reserve the right? What a crock! I almost called her the B word but held back. Just state your opinion and if your wrong it's ok. No takebacks with "I reserve the right to change what I said"

    • 13 seconds ago

    I hit $113k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started last month 2024. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject.

    • 13 seconds ago

    I lost over $80k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Laura Philmon

    • 13 seconds ago

    CNBC is for baghodlers.

    • 13 seconds ago

    At this point I think Trump is purposely tanking the market. Why? There could be several reasons.

    • 13 seconds ago

    Market crashing 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

    • 13 seconds ago

    This host is a disgrace and an ignoramous. In a previous interview, he bullied a guy who was honest about the headwinds.

    • 13 seconds ago

    LOVE your video!!! thank you so much for making go to this far in life you lead me in a good info making 74,000 from my investment last month thanks alot

    • 13 seconds ago

    I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2025, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks against next year. Hope to make millions in 2025.,..

    • 13 seconds ago

    This completely ignores the fact that MAGA is going to cut 1 TRILLION from Medicaid……..No, it's not the people who prop the market up but it signals a massive blow to consumer confidence in the current "administration". Additionally, it'll be a showdown in raising the debt ceiling in mid March. Two years of up doesn't equal any uncertainty?? Must be a fund manager.

    • 13 seconds ago

    Goldman can’t get off their projections and keeps double-downing on them. I don’t think it’s happening.

    • 13 seconds ago

    I used to think it was just about buying stocks, but I didn’t realize there are strategies for managing risk and actually making a profit. Now I feel kinda stuck since I’m not seeing any gains in my portfolio. Do you have any recommendations on what I should consider? I’d really appreciate it!

    • 13 seconds ago

    They’ve just printed trillions of dollars, there has never been an easier, if not better time to get rich fast; liken to Nero’s reign, massive construction projects from money printed. Good times are ahead folks, the future generations would be screwed, it’s their problem, not ours. Join in on our pumps and dumps; get rich fast scheme 📈 📉 Gg ez 😼 Secure the bags 💰 and peace out ✌️

    • 13 seconds ago

    EOY 2025 all markets will end in red.

    • 13 seconds ago

    I Hit $32,590 today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last month.i started with 5k in last week 2025….. now i just hit $32,590

    • 13 seconds ago

    Donald Trump, Fat Bloated and Disgusting will DESTROY the US Economy!

    • 13 seconds ago

    She is very good, clear and concise. And cut through a lot of the noise of current market

    • 13 seconds ago

    Squirrel, earnings, tariffs, squirrel, 2nd half (it's not even the end of Q1). I would rather watch re-runs of Lou Rukeyser's Wall Street Week.

    • 13 seconds ago

    I was advised to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio for retirement. I'm seeking to invest $250K across markets but don't know where to start.

    • 13 seconds ago


    • 13 seconds ago

    They do everything to keep from saying trump is making a mistake with these Tarrifs

    • 14 seconds ago

    How many cigssss has she smoked??????????????????????????????????????????

    • 14 seconds ago

    I've been an investor in Nvidia for the past 3 years now because I strongly believe in the company and in the stock, but now I've been thinking of redistributing my portfolio of about $560k and buy other stocks. Maybe buy GE or Tesla? The decision can be confusing sometimes

    • 14 seconds ago

    If Trump is advocating for economic chaos, it could be part of a strategy in which market crashes are perceived as chances for the ultra-rich to acquire assets at reduced prices. Annually, those with substantial capital tend to benefit disproportionately during periods of volatility

    • 14 seconds ago

    The USA decleared a trade war with the EU, Mexico, Canada, and China, and now the Americans wonder why their stock market is crashing 😀

    • 14 seconds ago

    The financial market is constantly shifting, and many newcomers often question if it’s too late to get started. However, the reality is that the market’s unpredictability always brings new opportunities. Trading is not just about holding assets it’s about actively engaging and adapting to changes. With AlexanderDou's valuable insights and daily signals, combined with my dedication to learning, I’ve seen a steady increase in my daily income. Looking forward to the continued progress and success in this exciting journey ahead!

    • 14 seconds ago

    She has an interesting camo blouse.

    • 14 seconds ago

    I'm about 4 years long on the economy recovering. But there's a big orange tumor on the ass of America that has to be surgically removed first…

    • 14 seconds ago

    Lay offs across the board, Big Tech, manufacturing, Boeing. The high cost of food, housing property tax, insurance, and utilities. I'm retired and pulled most of my money out in January. Whenever you hear "long-term," you know a market decline is on the way.

    • 14 seconds ago

    Investors should sell up now and wait. Don't believe all this garbage the corporates tell you, they have their own narratives

    • 14 seconds ago

    Goldman rep lying to retail investors about what to do – nothing new.. "do as we say as we are doing the opposite!" bunch of manipulators!

    • 14 seconds ago

    As goes the United States so goes the world.

    • 14 seconds ago

    I knew they'd try to blame it on Trump. 🤣
    So predictable.

    • 14 seconds ago

    ..I've been an investor in Nvidia for the past 3 years now because I strongly believe in the company and in the stock, but now I've been thinking of redistributing my portfolio of about $560k and buy other stocks. Maybe buy GE or Tesla? The decision can be confusing sometimes

    • 14 seconds ago

    Every youtuber keeps saying the same thing, To be kinda blunt, I am giving up on investing in stocks… I put between 2000 to 3000 a month and it's nothing but down down…. Sooooo frustrating and I only invest in boring big companies. How can I capitalize in such a market?

    • 14 seconds ago

    What's the safest and most effective way for a crypto newcomer like myself to benefit from the current market surge?

    • 14 seconds ago

    Dang she’s got an annoying voice…maybe unfair saying that but yeah there you have it

    • 14 seconds ago

    Trump is a disaster for the market. Sleepy joe was stable and the market loved it

    • 14 seconds ago

    So many rich people now that will hold up the market. Of course the poor get poorer.

    • 14 seconds ago

    Such valuable advice—wish I’d learned this sooner! Schools never taught me about managing money, and now, at 46, I’m playing catch-up with no retirement savings. Your insights are eye-opening and exactly what I needed to turn things around. Thank you for sharing!"

    • 14 seconds ago

    From my observation and historical market pattern, there might be a bit of turbulence in the market coming up, but here's the deal: Trying to guess what's going to happen next is less important than spreading your bets when trading and thinking long term. It's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady…managed to grow a nest egg of around 4.3Bitcoin to a decent 27Bitcoin in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Dorcia Walston, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.

    • 14 seconds ago

    I feel investors should focus on under-the-radar stocks, considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market. The safest approach I feel to tackle it is to diversify investments by spreading investments across different asset classes, like bonds, real estate and stocks, they can reduce the impact of a market meltdown

    • 14 seconds ago

    I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2025, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks against next year. Hope to make millions in 2025.,..

    • 14 seconds ago

    I was on the streets and selling my body to men for $15/hour. Then I learned about E.W. Chang's Black-Scholes Bayesian Triple-Bypass strategy and now I'm living in Manhattan and my price is up to $22/hour. DM me for details, peace out.

    • 14 seconds ago

    "Investors should be long U.S. stock market …."….must be related to Tom Lee. Question: "Why are so many so-called 'analyst's' so anxious to see investors lose money?" Makes no sense.

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