February 23, 2025
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Inside the Shadowy World of International Bribery (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

Inside the Shadowy World of International Bribery (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

    PBS is our national treasure

    • 8 months ago

    Old take (2009) on a current issue.

    • 8 months ago

    Newsflash: the world right now is based on organized crime and money laundering. Also known as capitalism.

    • 8 months ago

    Lust and money

    • 8 months ago

    Kaddafi was murdered/Libya destroyed, because He (Kaddafi) did not pay off the right people. MALLEABLE OBAMA was used to do it. If Obama's presidency NEVER happened, black/brown people of the world, WOULD BE BETTER OFF.

    • 8 months ago

    When powerful people start to publicly admit that bribery and corruption is human nature and starts comparing it to scripture and past times you know we are in trouble and that this corruption is happening every day off the backs of other people. We are literally allowing these so called politicians and corporations to pillage and plunder this world while so many people struggle. The last few minutes of this doc explains enough. The man said it’s human nature to take bribes and money in back alley deals, etc etc. That ladies and gentlemen is the definition of a failed world and species. The human species is disgusting and it will come to an end very soon. Only a matter of time due to people like this destroying it.

    • 8 months ago

    That dude at 37:30 defending the government preventing an investigation by saying that the investigation was bogus because didn’t charge anyone….. lol, how are you supposed to charge someone without being allowed to investigate them first?

    • 8 months ago

    Every country in Africa is one big kleptocracy with a warlord in the bush looking to be the next liberating dictator.

    • 8 months ago

    Prince Bandhar's daughter married the son of his cousin Prince Turki…..I am I the only one seeing something wrong with this?

    • 8 months ago

    Alya mama

    • 8 months ago

    He chose they sex

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

    The Saudis can buy F-15;s, Typhoons, RAFALE fighters and F-35 Lightnings. They still cant fly shit and just get suckered into getting shit they cant maintain . They bought Tornados for an inflated 30 million pounds each and have spent 50 million Sterling pounds paying foreign contractors to fix them. The whole Royal family is just a welfare system for aircraft mechanics LOL!

    • 8 months ago

    Where do these documentaries get posted first?

    • 8 months ago

    The attack on Iraq was for oil! It was an Oil War for the Saudis! Was the Saudis responsible for 9/11? They manipulated us into a war? Shame on big oil!!!
    The US GOP government leadership is for sale!

    • 8 months ago

    Did PBS stop making new documentaries?

    • 8 months ago

    Biden’s America

    • 8 months ago

    They say 80% of American money's in 100 dollar bill and 80% of that is held offshore

    • 8 months ago

    I"It was unique" That's an understatement. WTF?!

    • 8 months ago

    Targetting Saudis what A propaganda

    • 8 months ago

    Very interesting report. I’m sure this black money is also used for terrorism.

    • 8 months ago

    It has to be assumed that all international exchanges of this kind and even not of this kind are corrupt. All one has to do is look to the inequity in wealth between the top 1% and everyone else. I don't know why we need a documentary like this to spark mild interest among us bottom 99%. It obviously doesn't make any effect on the masses. But one time, sometime, in the future, the 99% will say we no longer accept this disparity and they will revolt. The masses won't revolt for the purpose of enrichment, but bc their conscious will tell them to ensure equity is the end game. Call it socialism, but this degree of corruption will become intolerant and the collective conscious will evolve to stop this acute excess.

    • 8 months ago

    Good timing, supreme court said it's legal now, so we are all good

    • 8 months ago

    Money for nothing and chics for free! What’s the problem???

    • 8 months ago

    Think about that:you are a soldier and the weapons you have should be the best in every way. No it who got paid the most, didn't matter regarding the quality of the weapon. Poor soldier ends up comprised then dead. This world is off the rail.

    • 8 months ago

    Two words for this: "So. What." Absolutely nothing wrong with bribing at all. It's how things get done. Sorry if it offends the sensibilities of the boy scouts in the comments, but this is human nature. It's like sex and drugs. People are driven by advantage, and that's how it is. And no amount of laws will change it. Period.

    • 8 months ago

    Obama used to send ✈️ in the Middle East full of cash for whatever reason.
    Bush done it as well. Make it , make it sense.

    • 8 months ago

    Great topic about the DemocRats. 🙂 Look at Soros and the owners of ABC, CNN, MSNBC the list goes on all blackmail and evil.

    • 8 months ago

    @34:30 you cannot stop a case or investigation for economic reasons. Interesting… I recently heard someone say we need to be very careful how we investigate Boeing and events involving the whistleblowers because “jobs”.

    • 8 months ago

    effect should have read effect

    • 8 months ago

    Cia & FBI enters the Chat: 😂

    • 8 months ago

    Bro said "His Majesty", then tried to feign being unbiased. Lol! Ok, pal.

    • 8 months ago

    50:5152:13, the prince's comments are as open and honest as anyone can be about dark money. The faces have changed, but dark money flows freely to this day.

    • 8 months ago

    I have a dig bick

    • 8 months ago

    This "Black Money" bribes to some Saudi prince or another (Saudi Gov officials) goes way the back to Reagan Era foreign policy, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W Bush and so on through the Orange POS known as Donny Boy, and even now probably under the Biden/Harris administration.
    I know how the bribe culture works in these less Westernized countries. It goes al the way down to traffic stops; pay a small bribe automatically and no citation gets written. The cop gets to give his family something extra above his regular pay take home.. it's how these countries work. The bribes are small but they add up, the higher up the food chain the larger the bribe must be, no exceptions.
    Eventually Govs like the US and the UK need to launder the bribe's cash flow trail, converting Airbus jets with Dallas Cowboys livery to mere numbers on an obscure invoice, for nonspecific services rendered, buried under a mountain of untraceable and/or unattributed paper stacks. It's how it works and continues to work, from the Iran-Contras to present day (rented) Saudi bases used to dampen the Islamic terrorist paradigm as it exists.
    Everyone goes home a bit richer or scoring extravagant swag/perks for under the table bonus points. It's like extra 'Pass Go' Monopoly Game deck cards, except the dollar amounts are far more than merely $200 each trip.
    I was "detained" once in Thailand for a small dust-up at a small wet market. The arresting cop took me straight to local the police headquarters. The Chief of the shift (watch) heard me out saying it was a misunderstanding but I was unfortunately caught up in it. Hence to avoid red tape, and typical detainment overnight before being released, I could bypass all that for a small under the table (expedited possessing) "fine." It was so small it seemed a trivial thing, but it was a big deal to the Chief and that arresting officer. I had to pay my girlfriend's "fine" too (like what she did was/is my responsibility). All told it was about, I guess, $25-35 in today's money. I paid it cheerfully and left, hopping in the first taxi I could grab.
    It's how things work in those fringy foreign places, whoever had the deepest pockets pays up without question, with no hesitation.
    On the international front usually the US has the deepest pockets. So pay up uncle Sam!
    Trump's crimes are small potatoes in this kind of playbook, believe me his domestic and foreign dealings amount to chump change, placed in clear contrast. Okay he's old, losing it big time mentally, and a really bad administrator – all ample reason to vote against him – but Donny's lowest of low financial crimes are nothing compared to what's happening here.
    He should be prosecuted for the secret documents thing. But the judge he owns there is putting that in a dead file legal graveyard. And I fear what's coming!

    • 8 months ago

    Until meaningful campaign reforms are enacted corruption will be part of politics.

    1. Eliminate all campaign donations and solicitations, including Super PACs.

    2. Open Primaries to Independent voters (the majority) nationwide.

    3. No more gerrymandering political maps.

    4. Eliminate the Electoral College that gives 538 – “chosen individuals” the power to choose our president.

    • 8 months ago

    So what. That about sums it up for the point of view of those in power, and those that wish to be.

    • 8 months ago

    Frontline diehard❤️❤️

    • 8 months ago

    Adam and Eve did not in fact had ‘hanky panky’ in heaven, god sir

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