THE FINANCIAL EYE THE MONEY MINDER ‘I know I would have to work myself to death to pay it off’: Should I file for bankruptcy with $14k in credit card debt and a 560 credit score on dual $18-20/hr full-time jobs? Help!

‘I know I would have to work myself to death to pay it off’: Should I file for bankruptcy with $14k in credit card debt and a 560 credit score on dual $18-20/hr full-time jobs? Help!

‘I know I would have to work myself to death to pay it off’: Should I file for bankruptcy with k in credit card debt and a 560 credit score on dual -20/hr full-time jobs? Help!

Hi Money Minder,

Hey, I’m in a bit of a pickle here. My name’s Lily and I’ve somehow managed to rack up about 14k in credit card debt at the ripe old age of 21. Yikes, right? My credit score is a depressing 560 right now. I’m juggling two full-time jobs – one pays $20 an hour and the other pays $18. I feel like I’d have to work myself to death just to pay off this debt.

Do you think I should just throw in the towel and file for bankruptcy? Or do you have any other suggestions for me? I’m open to any advice you can offer.

Thanks a bunch,


Farewell, Lily

Response from THE MONEY MINDER:

Hello There,

I understand the stress that comes with being in a situation where you’re facing significant credit card debt and a less than ideal credit score. Bankruptcy is a serious decision that should be considered as a last resort. In your case, with a steady income from two full-time jobs, you have the means to tackle your debt in a more realistic and practical manner.

Firstly, create a budget that includes all of your expenses and outlines a plan to pay off your debt. Consider prioritizing the highest-interest debt first while making minimum payments on others. Look for ways to increase your income or reduce expenses to allocate more funds towards paying off your debt.

Additionally, you may want to explore debt consolidation options to combine your debts into a single payment with a lower interest rate. This can make it easier to manage your debt and potentially save you money in the long run.

It’s important to stay focused, be disciplined, and make consistent payments towards your debt. While it may be challenging, remember that you have the ability to improve your financial situation with determination and commitment.

Remember, bankruptcy should be a last resort as it can have long-term consequences on your financial future. Take control of your finances now and work towards paying off your debt. You can do this!

Best of luck on your journey to financial freedom.

Farewell from THE MONEY MINDER.

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