September 19, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

‘He was not the same Joe Biden’: Ex-Clinton adviser says this will hurt his campaign

‘He was not the same Joe Biden’: Ex-Clinton adviser says this will hurt his campaign

    • 3 months ago

    And make sure that he is drug tested for the next debate and this way we know that it is a clear Fair open debate that Joe Biden is drug tested please make sure of that because this day that we seen him out there campaigning what's so different and because of a cold how can you have a cold one day not even 12 hours later and be cured of this cold I would like that medication!!!!!! Just make sure Joe Biden is tested for the next debate

    • 3 months ago

    Nothing new for those who aren’t ignorant

    • 3 months ago

    Mark televising from a dirty Bathroom ???

    • 3 months ago

    I think he’s exactly the same person. Nothing has changed. They’re just not lying about it anymore.

    • 3 months ago

    If the government stopped, it’s insane spending spree. We wouldn’t have to come up with more money from taxpayers.

    • 3 months ago

    His new tax plan will raise a bazillion kagillion dollars

    • 3 months ago

    Bidins tax plan will drain taxpayers wallets and purses, all those billions of dollars will support criminal illegal immigrants getting every thing free,,,

    • 3 months ago

    Who is a trillionaire?

    • 3 months ago

    I don't know why commentators are alluding to another possible Dem being a candidate for 2024 because one just cannot go past the filing deadlines of a majority of states. Maybe there's some loophole I'm unaware which is possible but it couldn't be simple.

    • 3 months ago


    STOP LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🛑

    • 3 months ago

    Joe, Border Patrol did Not Endorse you! We watched the Congressional Hearings and heard every Word Border Chief and Staff said.

    • 3 months ago

    faux "news" is murdoch TRASH.

    • 3 months ago

    Trump 2024

    • 3 months ago

    Brandon went to camp David for a week with 16 Advisors!!!!! What in the world did they all do to prepare him for this debate?!? He’s a mess and this country deserves so much better!!! I worry for my kids and Grandkids everyday with Brandon at the helm!! Shame on these Commie Dems for destroying this country and no one stopping all this outrageous change in our once wonderful culture!!
    Vote Trump MAGA2024 🙏🇺🇸🚂🇺🇸🚂🇺🇸🚂🇺🇸🚂🇺🇸🚂🇺🇸🚂🇺🇸🚂🇺🇸🚂🇺🇸🚂

    • 3 months ago

    What do they have in Juice up on today what drugs are he yipping off to make him so brave when he can't Face Donald Trump a rebel while he was talking to Trump and that should show you there is a problem that he's just scared afraid and the Democrat use and abuse this man they should be charged for elderly!! How can you have a cold one day and the next day be as chippers anything else what drugs do they have him on

    • 3 months ago

    How can he stand up there in front of millions of people in the world and straight face lie about the Border they text back right away and said they did not endorse him how can the Democrats allow This Lie To Go On

    • 3 months ago

    The only way Joe Biden is going to win as have his illegal Crooks and illegal immigrants vote for him that's the only way he'll win but make sure everybody is is a true American when they Mark that X for the next president that is a true American not an illegal crook or dishonest illegal immigrant

    • 3 months ago

    Yes! This election is going to be a Trump Landslide!

    • 3 months ago

    These people are polite. That's good to see in our current social and political time.

    • 3 months ago

    There is no 'same joe' Mark! HE IS LITERALLY BROKEN, MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY!!!!

    • 3 months ago

    Always want to take other people’s money

    • 3 months ago

    When you REALIZE that he CHEATED to WIN, how can he POSSIBLY win when HA CANT CHEAT?!?

    • 3 months ago

    He tells lies!!

    • 3 months ago

    He can’t govern even if everyone agrees with him. He’s lost. Confused. Can’t even keep train of thought. Just saying things that they tell him to say. He’s a shell. There is no one home. He’s too far gone.

    • 3 months ago

    I want to hear from Obama who vouched for this dementia man 4 years ago

    • 3 months ago

    Even in this state Biden still lies about many things – "The Boder Patrol endorsed me!". The border control union couldn't put it out fast enough that they have never in the past and never in future support Biden.

    • 3 months ago

    Trump really aged and fumbled a lot – just repeated the same few sentences and even then he misspoke a lot.

    • 3 months ago

    He's clearly been incompetent for years and other people are running the USA illegally behind the scenes. This is treason.

    • 3 months ago

    He is a raging idiot. Can you tell me what he meant about Medicare? And this fiasco is after a week of preparation???

    • 3 months ago

    Voter ID, term limits & cognitive testing. "Repeating an unsuccessful & detrimental action and expecting a positive outcome is a characteristic behavioral insanity". USA has a senile, vicious CEO in the White House for 3+ years & 8 years of an Alinsky-Marxist American. 2024 Remove all US Democrats. Who is running the country? Jill Biden or Barry Hussein Soreto O' bumma. Run Joe, run or expose KH's inability to take POTUS. Three+ years of Democrat & bureaucratic power, greed & self-promoting.

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