Germany's trillion € military & infrastructure investment plan takes final hurdle | DW News
- March 23, 2025
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- 2 days ago

- by: @maddygreywennerstrom
- 2 days ago
Great decision 👏 Unfortunately your not just fighting Putin, now you're fighting Trump!
- by: @MrRenosingh
- 2 days ago
Oh dear! Hope they don’t turn the German military into anything like the Berlin airport 🤣
- by: @NetGuardian_Valeo
- 2 days ago
In my opinion, printing money for defence spending doesn't affect inflation like it does when the money goes into the open market.
So this is fine. Congrats guys on your new kit.
- by: @Braunbaer888
- 2 days ago
- by: @militia-je3rr
- 2 days ago
Al alien in suit
- by: @urbansenicar81
- 2 days ago
Never seen so many cheering maxing out their credit card.
- by: @Mtnflying
- 2 days ago
Is Germany changing the procurement rules?
- by: @kimmogensen4888
- 2 days ago
If you go after climate neutrality you will continue to fail 😂 you just almost crushed yourself by doing bad energy policy and now you are continuing what’s next shut down your nuclear power, Germanys northern neighbors are already talking about cutting Germany of former the electricity grid because you are so incompetent that our prices go up all the time because of your incompetence you will destroy yourself if you don’t understand what is most important, and this goes for every European country who put energy extreme politics first, at least wait for Technology to improve, or the AFD will end up with 51% of the vote
- by: @faisalmuneerone
- 2 days ago
Suddenly World Politics become very interesting 😂
- by: @Spawnofsam
- 2 days ago
“War Pigs”
- by: @kimmogensen4888
- 2 days ago
Hopefully one day Germany will get to the 2% GDP in weapons aid and become a top 3 donor to Ukraine % GDP instead of paying the big country game one being number 17-20 donor will pretending to be a key donor, definitely not in comparison to GDP and population just like the USA and UK middle level donor
- by: @financeroyce474
- 2 days ago
Hopefully this doesn’t turn out like the past 2 times. We ❤🇩🇪🇺🇸
- by: @rahayuz
- 2 days ago
Will Germany help indigenous communities in other countries too? Some of us receive pressures due to our beliefs, when we don't try to force other religious people to convert and to believe what we believe.
- by: @tom-hu6hc
- 2 days ago
This guy will lose next us just the matter of time…old players will be coffins.
- by: @alpcan3264
- 2 days ago
So using military weakness as urgency they secured cash, and now they spend it on city infrastructure 😂
- by: @Mauther
- 2 days ago
You could tell he wanted to say something along the line of "Germany's back" but realized nobody wants to hear that
- by: @RomoHeru-789
- 2 days ago
Illegaly attacked states will be Palestine or Israel, according to Germany? Playing both sides isn't allowed this time.
- by: @faisalshaukat9229
- 2 days ago
Two things are missing. One is cheap energy. Second is high tech sector.
- by: @Adrian_Borg
- 2 days ago
As a scandinavian and european I am SO GLAD we have Germany on our team, we bring the tech and you bring the industry!
- by: @provetanimalhealth3367
- 2 days ago
Towards poverty 😂
- by: @neilclark8087
- 2 days ago
We know all the Putin trolls and AfD deranged right-wing extremists ( Scrap EU , they say) don’t like that. Russia is already at 40% of its national budget and can’t increase military spending with their Mickey Mouse economy. Germany stands at solid 64% Debt/GDP and its economy alone is 3x large than little Russia! Go on Europe!
- by: @juliuskwame1882
- 2 days ago
The last time they invested in the Military….. the world had to intervene.
- by: @HerbyMbs
- 2 days ago
Germany is a rich and a strong country. They were able to kick the Russians out somewhere in the second world before the they reorganised and attacked them again together with America , England, France, and the rest. So if Germany or Europe rearm they can stand against their enemy
- by: @rudymilan2495
- 2 days ago
2023 Zelensky met with and made agreements with Blackrock financial. Germans about to send millions to Ukraine. Merz used to work for Blackrock. Sorry germany but your being played 😅
- by: @DarahanDhesi
- 2 days ago
No to wars.
No to terrorism.
Peace -
- by: @mukithebar6488
- 2 days ago
Why not rather print a trillion euros and subsidize the automotive sector like China does…
- by: @donjarrett1068
- 2 days ago
Go Canada and Europe… you cannot depend on America anymore… The money and corruption is too deep in American politics. All Best from California !
- by: @plumeria66
- 2 days ago
No defense of Germany’s own border? How weak.
- by: @empebee
- 2 days ago
This would be an excellent opportunity to modernise German bureaucracy so they can start using things like computers and the internet.
- by: @KhairulNaeim
- 2 days ago
Germany only not European country…. Germany money for Germany country, cannot be share on what ever reason… produce & create inside Germany….x.. politics that different story…x do not sold or give share to outside… completely control and own…do not become like CIA, today belongs to MI5.. X
- by: @KhairulNaeim
- 2 days ago
Yeah he have big challenge… include corrupt politics, … personal interest…and others…. but hopefully he use or with group decision… men decision is not accurate…need other opinions… hopefully he open mind about other opinions,…..lot Germany military expert… should not follow politics, to often….they just want money…..X
- by: @vinodmathew3036
- 2 days ago
Germany should spend the money to modernize its industries to compete with China and US. Having good infra and defense is not enough. It has to invest in creating new industries and products as auto sector is facing challenges.
- by: @cidshroom
- 2 days ago
Please for the love of God, stop enshrining every political whim into the constitution
- by: @OnFeature
- 2 days ago
Russia is not our enemy.. and those who say that are naive, and lie. All those puppets in europe are more corrupt the putin
- by: @HoboGodfrey
- 2 days ago
For 10 years now pensions in Germany have been reduced to pay for illegal immigrants
- by: @maxdout564
- 2 days ago
A large portion of that will be spent buying weapons from the USA.
- by: @jez1522
- 2 days ago
European defense is more important than environmental concerns. russia must be stopped.
- by: @mshuvro
- 2 days ago
Germany once had an Army & gifted two world wars. World war 3 🎻
- by: @simonwei1131
- 2 days ago
Germany is anti-aggression on the surface. But the result will be a repeat of German militarism. The current rising militarism will lead to the demise of Germany! As long as you truly want peace and stop thinking about eastward expansion, there will be no problem with the security and peace of Europe.
- by: @mukithebar6488
- 2 days ago
Why not rather print a trillion euros and subsidize the automotive sector like China does…
- by: @Just_chill_bro_its2025
- 2 days ago
What's great in it taking loan and spending it is equal to printing money.. only USA can do like this they have power due to global currency.. if any other country try to do that it's just adding inflation
- by: @JohnTipeti
- 2 days ago
just wait till saab in collab drops the tempest 5th & bae systems drops the excalibur 6th. europe has what it takes in it's scientists & engineers and finally the eu is budgeting its mammoth defense budgets as we speak 🙂 quite frankly i'm astonished they (us trump) went with boeing and not lockheed martin but that's their problem. jas 39 gripen 4.5 is a damn good quality fighter jet so just stay on target europe you will be fine it just takes public sentiment and government action and both are happening stand tall and proud europe hundreds of years of the enlightenment age is why the world including america should thank you for. regards from new zealand.
- by: @Shining237
- 2 days ago
Putting all your eggs 🥚 in one basket is never wise.
- by: @Jun-mk6pz
- 2 days ago
Without low cost and reliable energy, reasonable governance. All the money will be throw in the water.
- by: @gabrield4892
- 2 days ago
Poor Germany. Overrun by immigrants, and forced to go into insane amount of debt. And run by the WEF. My heart goes out to you. 😔
- by: @sionrouge1697
- 2 days ago
They are sending money to the Ukraine but their country is crumbling
- by: @monaliza3334
- 2 days ago
1933-1945 Historic recurrence is coming back… Dont you feel it?
😂😂😂 -
- by: @johndoe-vy4bt
- 2 days ago
"Climate neutrality by 2045" so the plan is to drown country in debt and than destroy the economy while building up the military. What could go wrong…
- by: @senna4281
- 2 days ago
And wasted billions on net zero of the nonsense of climate change that could be spent on coal, gas, nuclear power stations that will give better energy security than the inadequate green energy that will fail to provide the energy needed for industry and will not lower bills across the country.
Europe really needed to get real on climate policy that is pushing manufacturing to China, India, etc, this policy will just make Europe more vulnerable and poorer -
- by: @FFix-ey7fr
- 2 days ago
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