March 12, 2025
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

'FINANCIAL NUMBER': Personal finance expert reveals 'truth' behind retirement

'FINANCIAL NUMBER': Personal finance expert reveals 'truth' behind retirement

    • 1 month ago

    Fox News you are so full of B.S anyways. Especially you bartaroma.

    • 1 month ago

    even the S&P500 compound interest is not enough. You're only just barely beating inflation. Invest in the future. Invest in YOUR future. BITCOIN.

    • 1 month ago

    It the government stopped wasteful spending & tax thievery, perhaps American’s SS payment could increase or begin sooner than 62.

    • 1 month ago

    Einstein, the greatest math gift is compound interest

    • 1 month ago

    Glory!!! After so much struggles I now own a new house with an influx of $155,000.00 every month God has kept to his words,my family is happy again everything is finally falling into place. God bless America.

    • 1 month ago

    At least we still get to keep the 4 to 5 percent interests.

    • 1 month ago

    We need a Gaza Strip investment fund at the moment.

    • 1 month ago

    Good luck, with Don the Con at the helm, markets are going to get a 20-30% haircut and then most likely deliver lackluster results for the next 7-10 years.

    • 1 month ago

    They're working because the insurance is through the roof. I hear it all the time

    • 1 month ago

    As to why, the root of the debt problem is the green-back. You keep using it and you will ALWAYS get debt. It's designed to indebt people to nations and then nations to off shore banking cartels.

    In other words by using it the wealth flows from people –> to nation –> to offshore bankers. All the while the minions smile because there is green paper in their pockets.

    As follows:
    Three countries* have solved their national debt the right way by removing the greenback as their national currency that we all know is, 1. inflationary 2. debt-based and 3. centralized to an offshore entity

    (By design these BiS/IMF currencies MUST cause inflation, and national debt, for bond markets to work.)
    * Argentina, El Salvador, Ice Land

    Solution: We must move to make all debts public and private payable by BTC, ADA, and other holder owned currency. The greenback will wither into its proper place without having to address it.

    Removing the IRS, especially for personal income tax is also a good idea and optimal, as the IRS is slavery perfected. The first two thirds of the United States existence had no IRS tax.

    • 1 month ago

    I got 5 more years I will bring home close to 10 grand. I am happy.

    • 1 month ago

    If the government would not have stolen are money a lot of us would have plenty! Play us back and leave it alone!

    • 1 month ago

    She’s beyond annoying, and those glasses! FCK! pull them up! FCK!

    • 1 month ago

    Maria!!! Maria!!! Maria!!!

    • 1 month ago

    I'm set to make $600,000 this year, and my net worth is north of seven figures, but I'm really worried. My portfolio has only grown 10% in the last five years, and I feel stuck. I desperately need to revamp my investments. Any advice on what to do with my money would be greatly appreciated.

    • 1 month ago

    I STRONGLY recommend long term care insurance…it's like buying gold for 10%…

    • 1 month ago

    Having the best president in the world Donald Trump, the United States is blessed, $57,000 in a space of 3weeks, now I can sit back and watch my investment progress❤️ my regards to Maria Frances Hanlon and all registered brokers in United States

    • 1 month ago

    George is a Financial expert with no finance degree!

    • 1 month ago

    5% in cd’s isn’t enough? K.. get greedy and “invest” it in the gambling.. I mean stock market.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

    With a min wage at $7.25 tax payers cannot afford to set anymore aside, it takes every penny just to survive!!!

    • 1 month ago

    Retirement? Lmao 😂
    I just hope I can afford a house someday. 40 years old here.

    • 1 month ago

    You know republicans are coming for your social security they have been saying it for years.

    • 1 month ago

    Too many Americans are paying high interest rates to their credit cards. Their consumerism has brought them nothing but flack. We cannot blame the financial institutions wholly. People need to learn what is necessary and what is a want. Live within their means. Do they realize that the debt that they're putting up with now gets passed down to their children when they die.
    Oh I forgot… Boomers don't care about anybody but themselves. As a Gen X r, we had to raise ourselves because of that.

    • 1 month ago

    people are the currency treasury trust accounts legal courts marshall law of presumptions theft of rights by lies research how liars rip you off by b.s. research discover yorself

    • 1 month ago

    Look up Edward Bernays ..
    Father of consumerism..
    "Not what the People Need…
    What They Think They Need.."…

    • 1 month ago

    I have zilch for savings…And
    I haven't lost any

    • 1 month ago

    Whether you like it or not, the US economy has always done better under Democratic Presidents, and there is evidence of this in all the official statistics. The only exception here is Ronald Reagan, who did very well. The best economy in recent years was under Bill Clinton, and even Joe Biden did better than Donald Trump in his first term. These are simply the facts…

    • 1 month ago

    "Invest in the market that has repeated crashed and stolen everything multiple time in just two decades. Dont worry, it will go great this time we promise". They stole everything ever put into the markets, and now its your fault if youve got nothing left. But its going to be great this time because we arent going to let these nexy generations have anything to begin with so they won't ever know what they missed out on."

    • 1 month ago

    Buy bitcoin. This guy is an idiot

    • 1 month ago

    I'm thankful I got divorced over 10 years ago. If I was still with her, I never could have retired. I'm retired and she is still working and struggling

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