September 22, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Fed Chair Powell was trying to make sure the stock market didn't get disappointed: Komal Sri-Kumar

Fed Chair Powell was trying to make sure the stock market didn't get disappointed: Komal Sri-Kumar

    • 16 seconds ago

    surprise surprise the big bank guy thinks the Fed (owned by the big banks) is on the up and up lol

    • 16 seconds ago


    • 16 seconds ago

    A bubble is getting bigger, it is because of politics, actually election politics. Rate cut of .5% would boost inflation that makes all raising interest rates exercise would get wiped out.

    • 16 seconds ago

    Hit 310k last week, lost over 14k today, Nvidia won't make a good run too the upside till mid October…I'm still looking for companies to make additions to my $500K portfolio, to boost performance. Here for ideas…

    • 16 seconds ago

    I'm convinced the 50bps cut was entirely driven by the committee's desire that Kamala is elected. That's all I can believe given the US remains solidly at Full Employment, Inflation remains ABOVE the 2% bogey.

    • 16 seconds ago

    Sri-Kumar is right here. 💯 2:38

    • 16 seconds ago

    Poor Joe, so unhappy economy didn’t go into a recession. Guy needs to retire.

    • 16 seconds ago

    We're headed to the promise land!!!!!🤑

    • 16 seconds ago

    The Fed should stay out of stock market price setting. In fact it is outright criminal fraud that they do so.

    • 16 seconds ago

    yawn, komal STILL living in a 2022 world

    • 16 seconds ago

    Cut interest rate, because it’s election time. Democrats will do anything to win the election. Corrupt system.

    • 16 seconds ago

    Thank you come again!

    • 16 seconds ago

    Sri is all over the map. His comments are never internally consistent – just kind of rambles. Remember when he was saying "something is about to break". Not a good guest in my opinion.

    • 16 seconds ago

    What is the best way to make profit from the stocks market?

    • 16 seconds ago

    Coming out of facing alot, I knew two things about the stock market: It caused the Great Depression, and the fastest way to make a million on the markets was to start with two million. And then the Great Recession happened only a few years later. So yeah, I wish someone had better explained it to me earlier in life. Having a good entry and exit strategy will make you succeed in the stock market.

    • 16 seconds ago

    This old man needs to retire. Every call has been wrong. Amazing statistics

    • 16 seconds ago

    IF POWELL really wanted to PLEASE stock market… he would START QE and not keep the QT going…

    • 16 seconds ago

    Anyone taking a wells fargo executive's word with all their baggage is smoking some of serious weed.

    • 16 seconds ago

    You guys really don't know why they cut rates? Come on.

    • 16 seconds ago

    komal is mad becoz he is short

    • 16 seconds ago

    Powell is a corrupt crook

    • 16 seconds ago

    It seems certain stocks are undervalued, flying under the radar despite their potential. You can't help but wonder when the market will recognize their true worth. How can I invest $600K wisely to ensure our future security?

    • 16 seconds ago

    Trading has been rather rewarding to me and I've learned that getting a good return is very much attainable if you know your way around it

    • 16 seconds ago

    I Hit 110k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months.
    Started last month 2024. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject. thanks to Kevin S Mikan for helping me achieve this

    • 16 seconds ago

    Investing in gold seems like a good move, especially with the current market uncertainty.

    • 16 seconds ago

    I'm loving the bullish sentiment on the federal rate cut! With my $35k investment fund, I'm considering diving into the stock market, specifically targeting sectors that benefit from lower interest rates. Anyone have any hot stock picks to share?

    • 16 seconds ago

    Sri-Kumar can't be serious… The Fed is behind the curve big time. They need to normalize rates faster so they don't cause a recession.. It takes 14-18 months for their policy to work. I guess Sri-Kumar wants Americans to lose more jobs. What a ****

    • 16 seconds ago

    In my opinion moves in market have to be precise at times like this, the US economy is already putting pressure on everyone’s pockets so moves have to be thought with precision. Move wisely

    • 16 seconds ago

    Hit 200k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started with 14k in last month 2024

    • 16 seconds ago

    Nice try. This was political interference in the election to support Harris. Who only large corporations and the low IQ support.

    • 16 seconds ago

    This year I have experienced more gains than losses in the crypto/stock market, thanks to some knowledge I acquired from my financial advisor and I have managed to flip the market..

    • 16 seconds ago

    Sri is just jelly of Chair powell! Period.

    • 16 seconds ago

    Kamala paid the Feds to juice the market to help her in the election basically… will cause more hyperinflation

    • 16 seconds ago

    Not sure why so many ignore the bankruptcies and hirings data. These stats are unambiguous grinding recession since early 2023.

    • 16 seconds ago


    • 16 seconds ago

    imagine hiring someone that hides things from you. taxes payers should know everything that guy knows

    • 16 seconds ago

    The Guests

    • 16 seconds ago

    yes, I don't know if the data are correct, but they can make stock go up or down. It is time to sell and wait for November.

    • 16 seconds ago

    Lol at the scoff. Dumb pigs, everything is stock market dependent. The White House day trades the petroleum reserve for Christ sake

    • 17 seconds ago

    US Stock Market = Casino.

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