Have you ever dreamt of earning cash back on every purchase you make? Imagine adding up to an additional 2% cash back when paired with a US Bank savings or investment account. Well, dream no more because with the US Bank Smartly Credit Card, you can turn that dream into a reality.
- Earn a whopping 2% cash back on every purchase
- Get up to an additional 2% cash back when paired with a US Bank savings or investment account
- Qualify for a total of 2.5% cash back with a balance of $5,000 – $49,000
- Qualify for a total of 3% cash back with a balance of $50,000 – $99,000
- Qualify for a total of 4% cash back with a balance of $100,000 or more
The US Bank Smartly Savings account, with an impressive APY of 4.10%, is highly competitive among savings accounts. On the other hand, the US Bank Self-Directed Investing account has a reasonable annual fee of $50 with 100 free trades per year.
- Uncertainty surrounds the limit of the 4% cash back
- Annual fee amount is undisclosed
- Welcome offer details have not been revealed
- Launch date is yet to be confirmed
Recommended Application Time:
It is advisable to apply for this card after establishing a credit history of at least two years and feeling confident in managing credit cards effectively.
In conclusion, if the 4% cash back is either unlimited or has a hefty limit, this credit card could be a game-changer, especially for big spenders. Despite the uncertainties, this card holds great potential. Interested? Join the waitlist now and stay tuned for updates.
After Applying:
To check your application status, visit the provided webpage or call (800) 947-1444. If you receive a message indicating a 7-10 day review period, it simply means that a manual review is required, and the outcome could swing either way. For further inquiries, reach out to the US Bank reconsideration line at (800) 947-1444.
It’s time to take your cash back rewards to the next level with the US Bank Smartly Credit Card. Apply now and experience the benefits firsthand.
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