September 19, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

China Fights US Dollar: Exposes Chinese Banks to Losses | Vantage with Palki Sharma

China Fights US Dollar: Exposes Chinese Banks to Losses | Vantage with Palki Sharma

    • 1 week ago

    Government has unlimited access to their currency so the time is not an issue for China so when currency will fluctuates- they will make profit.
    Government making money for their citizens. Especially when China’s economy is struggling.

    • 1 week ago

    Indians journalist always have something to taok against chinese

    • 1 week ago

    Only dollar, no yuan.

    • 1 week ago

    You are the best reporter on earth ❤

    • 1 week ago

    what happened to US think tank…. why they have become mute spectators/why can't they act quickly…..

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

    Every time this lady show her dislikes of china 🇨🇳 the more im intersted and find out about china from Chinese medi nd admire respect more to. China 🇨🇳 🫡 🫡

    • 1 week ago

    $100 billion is peanuts when you consider that China has $3.3 trillion (3300 billion) is US currency reserves. So even if Chinese banks are shorting the amount is insignificant. They have no challenge if their bet does not pan out, they have enough reserve to cover the short.

    • 1 week ago

    I think the Chinese business men are going to loss some cash

    • 1 week ago

    3 months Don …🎉

    • 1 week ago

    When China and Russia begin giving out "cures" for current human diseases, instead of just "treatments" …😮‍💨 That will be the end of Occidental (Current Currency and Economic Model) System…Forget about making high tech microchips, if people can't afford them because they have to pay for overpriced meds, and all else related to that none sense extortion system of the poor and middle classes, at least in the USA and Developing Nations, the first because everything is just overpriced, and the second because there is no access to many meds etc…Any way…That will pull the floormat from under the feet of the Major Economic Power of the "West"…Hooked on Drugs, legal and ilegal drugs that is…

    • 1 week ago

    Xi : keeps China in order first. Joker

    • 1 week ago

    what an economist

    • 1 week ago

    Once trump comes to power again more trade tarrifs will be on chinese products

    • 1 week ago

    I’m betting against the dollar

    • 1 week ago

    And yet India is still the laughing stock of the word 😂

    • 1 week ago

    No to Unipolar world. YES to multipolar World = YES to de-dollarization.

    • 1 week ago

    China Is BROKE…Their Currency Is WORTHLESS…50% Unemployment…Etc…Their Real GDP 6.2 Trillion…NOT 18 Trillion…lol…Sorry But China Lies About ALLLLLL Their Number's…lol…This Is Complete Propaganda From China…lol…They Are Sooooo Weak!..No One Care To Buy From Them…

    • 1 week ago

    I think indian economy is much stronger now then China and the US dollar will be much stronger. US will always be no.1 no matter what happen.

    • 1 week ago

    The Chinese Government is not as smart as it seems to be! Never a wise bet to bet against the USA!! Not only is it a dumb bet, but it illustrates chinas true intentions on how it feels tords the state of the USA government, and it’s policies when it comes to the USA .

    • 1 week ago

    Usually what is scarce is of more value, but you also have to add desirability! Desirability, and scarcitie , creates value! The thing is the dollar is more desirable, in contrast to yuan!

    • 1 week ago

    What China and the USA needs to do, is start acting like adults, and make amends ! Both nations are stronger together, as friends! Americans love Chinese , and the Chinese people! Can’t we all just get along!! Russia, china, and the USA, let’s solve warping the space time continuem, that’s more meaningful than going to war!! Can you imagine if all the nations powers pooled together, to make space travel more efficient, bye warping the fabric of space time?!? Or collonizing other planets! But yet they engage in spitting these contest ; that are zero sun games to all nations!!

    • 1 week ago

    Interesting that the Chinese stock market doesn't allow short selling.

    • 1 week ago

    The yuan is only good for buying tofu! 😂

    • 1 week ago

    Lol, what happened to the Chinese propaganda of how the Chinese Yuan will take over the USD as the world's reserve currency? They have been begging countries to take their worthless trash currency for 15 years and nobody wants it. China has been printing more currency than the rest of the world combined because their economy is collapsing. This garbage currency can never become a reserve currency because it's not a free trading currency and never will be. If China opens up their currency and banks, everyone in China will immediately sell all their yuan for USD and the price would drop from 7 to 1 to 100 to 1 overnight. Then you will see what China's GDP fall to what it really is, less than half of what it is today.

    • 1 week ago

    This is not unusual, it is just a trade, calm down. LOL. People short and go long on 4X all the time. What is the Indian currency doing?

    • 1 week ago

    No it’s call gambling. Government gambling with money, OUR MONEY!!! China President need to kick the bucket 🪣 😉😉🍀..

    • 1 week ago

    100 billion is miniscule amount to make any impact on the USD

    • 1 week ago

    Do not do business with China, they are thieves and they did not follow international law

    • 1 week ago

    No one needs to "fight the US dollar". The U.S. dollar has defeated itself and in reality worthless anyway. The U.S. has been long bankrupt, just as if you were long in the red.

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