BREAKING NEWS: Tim Burchett Says Democrats' 'Hatred' Of Trump Could Lead To Government Shutdown
- March 17, 2025
- Less than a minute
- 5 hours ago

- by: @amg5656
- 5 hours ago
There is no reason for Democrats to vote for the bill. The GOP didn't negotiate any part of it with them at all.
- by: @rager4able
- 5 hours ago
Yup, its all Democrats fault for government shut down 💯
So remember that next time your voting 🔴🔴🔴🗳️ -
- by: @kevint5391
- 5 hours ago
Nancy Pelosi and her husband clearly absolutely positively beyond any shadow without having ass deep in insider trading for the past 30 years they believe that they are above the law immune prosecution immune from indictment and the current powers that be have allowed this to continue year after the year everyone knows it. Everyone was a third grade education season for what it is I want making $150,000 a year after 10 years is suddenly with worse $50 million. The numbers speak for themselves themselves AOC a bartender who is six years ago said she was completely broke is now suddenly worth $19 million. Well I am no rocket scientist I am no Copernicus or Albert Einstein but I don’t need anybody on any level to tell me momentarily within a shadow of a doubt that this girl/bartender/give me a Mojito because I have no education, skills brains, orabilities to do the job that I was elected for and should be indicted for being a complete rock and thief and squanderer/communist
- by: @debbieyates29
- 5 hours ago
Hatred for Trump is hatred for American citizens. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
- by: @Davidcash-hh1rr
- 5 hours ago
Yes, just awful when you recognize the fact that you can’t trust anybody in the government or any government agents because they’re all skimming off the top. So much damn money flying around out there they can’t keep track of it. It’s like the goddamn wind blows right past them. But God dammit to tell other people they gotta pay for that. Yeah I’d say that’s arrogance. I’d say that’s criminal.😂
- by: @SFoureman
- 5 hours ago
Republicans hold the majority Congress, the presidency and SCOTUS.
If the government shuts down; THAT is on them. They're currently dismantling the government; so, it's ALL ON THEM.
All these savings will be nice for American tax payers to simply stop paying taxes. We aren't getting anything for the action; so, DEFUND THE GOVERNMENT.
NOBODY PAY THE INTO THE SYSTEM! Trump and Musk are just stealing it all; and, putting it in off-shore bank accounts for themselves.
- by: @barbg0915
- 5 hours ago
A government shutdown does not stop veterans benefits or Social Security. It might close federal parks, and federal bldgs. I aam so looking forward to the full DOGE audit completion. We live in a great period of time.
- by: @liezlmacaskill8899
- 5 hours ago
It is a huge scandal that the Pentagon cannot finish or pass an audit for so many years.
- by: @debrajacques3820
- 5 hours ago
This social security is NOT an entitlement !!!!!
- by: @liezlmacaskill8899
- 5 hours ago
Elon Musk's interview with Joe Rogan explains why he took on this challenge.
- by: @presswolf
- 5 hours ago
He's a good man but to the best of my knowledge no Aircraft carrier has been built and put right into mothball since the end of WW2 when some were mothballed without service because of the end of the war and there were a few during the 80s that were scraped before completion because of the end of the Cold War
- by: @regandunn4850
- 5 hours ago
Let them go for it
- by: @c4t4l4n4
- 5 hours ago
The toothless and possibly compromised auditors of past times will hopefully be a sad memory.
It is encouraging to be able to look forward to an audit and meaningful spending cuts, that will
address waste, fraud and corruption. Many thanks to Rep. Burchett for his involvement and
explaining the issues involved. -
- by: @donnamaitlandw7460
- 5 hours ago
Maybe he should “Pray on The Stock Market” and for the preservation of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, for all his and Trumps voters that were about to retire.
- by: @KCBluesJams
- 5 hours ago
😂 meanwhile maga stooges in the Republican Party ignore trump’s revenge agenda against everyone 🤨👎
- by: @donnamaitlandw7460
- 5 hours ago
No TAX CUTS for Billionaires and Large Corporations!!! That is way MORE Savings then what Elon has cut!!!
- by: @burkepete110
- 5 hours ago
There's a lot to hate
- by: @ZenaAlireza
- 5 hours ago
This is Great!!! Perp walks please! You know the loudest complainers are the biggest THIEVES
- by: @earlhunt2815
- 5 hours ago
I really like Tim
- by: @donnaswanson6190
- 5 hours ago
Follow the money, find the crimes
- by: @samuellasko526
- 5 hours ago
I like TB, He's a straight shooter… Great interview!
- by: @danieloconnor548
- 5 hours ago
Kimberly you don’t need to talk fast that’s not impressing anyone maybe just your underdeveloped mind. Peace to you
- by: @ftroop52
- 5 hours ago
But America wants to know from Timmy, has Bigfoot been found? 😃
- by: @ryanbailey8588
- 5 hours ago
Can we stop interviewing the elites and their bidders? They're always going to give you a "smile in your face" answer.
- by: @AL-pk4ij
- 5 hours ago
Burchett for Speaker
- by: @angiewhitehurst6499
- 5 hours ago
Last we heard the Pentagon was missing $4 TRILLION DOLLARS & had failed 7 audits in the 4 years under Biden & Party ! LOCK PEOPLE UP, THATS INSANITY !
- by: @anuragsinha2013
- 5 hours ago
We will Win! We will Win! … We won't Rest! We won't Rest!
- by: @brucesorensen3224
- 5 hours ago
If people are not charged and convicted and jailed the American people will no longer follow or listen to Washington.
- by: @edmoore3910
- 5 hours ago
What irritates me is, the idea of the doge refund checks, if you are a senior on social security and dont recieve 40,000 or more, you will not get a refund. Im not able to pay my property taxes, struggle on bills, groceries, and will not get a damn red cent. I worked 46 years paying taxes. How is this justified? Answer me this sir!!
- by: @JEDIJackCurenton
- 5 hours ago
Republicans control:
The House
The Senate
The Presidency…
Is there's a shut down
It's your own damned fault -
- by: @harveyhorwitz1346
- 5 hours ago
Spoke to Trump. Voted for budget after being paid off. The budget actually increases the debt by three trillion dollars.
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