October 21, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Beware This Dishonest Tool Modern Socialists Are Using Against The Automobile

Beware This Dishonest Tool Modern Socialists Are Using Against The Automobile

    • 12 seconds ago

    nit picking at all of these techno lies that are ingrained into our society is a ridiculous way to attempt to bring about change. what we need is a clean sheet redesign of our major cities. urban sprawl is decaying, traffic is a nightmare, so much land is underused, crime and policing are a never-ending battle… if I ruled the world (okay, just Los Angeles County) I would turn the bull the LA basin into a massive harbor and build a 22nd Century around it. fill it will all the good stuff: electric driverless taxis, drone delivery, walkable neighborhoods, private citizen community policing, recycled water and plastic and metals… trying to ‘fix’ all of the issues using the substrate of the 20th Century is a waste of time and energy and money. knock it down and start anew!

    • 12 seconds ago

    Like "ESG", "induced demand" = the latest fork-tongued collectivist lizardspeak for "Command economy". Soon a militarized bureaucracy will be micromanaging our daily needs and wants and we better comply, oe else.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Some cities could have been more densely developed and could have seen higher use of public transportation as a result like NYC. But that wasn't a good way to sell the gasoline that keeps going the profitable wars.

    • 12 seconds ago

    The socialist movement needs to be revealed for what they are to the people. They really intend to take your freedom, become more dependent on the government and gain total control under the guise of doing what they think is good for you. Put these people in charge, you will regret it.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Socialists are true narcissists and will say anything to elevate their perception of themselves

    • 12 seconds ago

    My 1976 Cadillac gets 8mpg you green folks .😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • 12 seconds ago

    These people live in lullaby land. Typical Democrat brainwashing

    • 12 seconds ago

    It is interesting to note that coal-fired or nuclear-powered plants generate the electricity that is used to charge the EVs

    • 12 seconds ago

    Pursuit of Happiness

    How can our government take away our rights?

    • 12 seconds ago

    it is all dictators making everyone their slaves

    • 12 seconds ago

    Stop it with the Harris ads.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Don't the Democrats realize they need to build more roads to house all the homeless and their tents.

    • 12 seconds ago

    DON'T FORGET, the government secreted the 100 mpg carburetor circa 1974👈

    • 12 seconds ago

    The automobile is without a doubt one of the best inventions. It has provided personal mobility and freedom for millions of people. Try taking a sick child to the doctor, or bring groceries home on a bicycle or bus. In the snow or rain when the wind chill is below freezing. Not to mention being at the mercy of street criminals.

    • 12 seconds ago

    So, when did the Democratic Party become "the left?" When it became clear that our political system was being run by billionaires and neither party had nay plans to actually represent the American people. Steve Forbes, is one of those billionaires, so don't believe this malarkey. The Green New Deal and the EV nonsense is simply a way to transfer our tax dollars into private corporate hands.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Five hundred million years ago carbon dioxide levels were about 400 times higher than they are now. NO HUMAN INTERFERENCE. You can cry all day with climate change scam. It doesn't change the fact that the earth has been evolving for billions of years and YOU are not going to stop it. It's about money and power and nothing more.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Steve, you oughta know by now you can't argue with "Earth God" religious zealots using facts.

    • 12 seconds ago

    No surprise. The Left and their stooges in the marxist media have been waging a war against cars since the 1960s. WE HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT IN THE VOTING BOOTH!!!!!!

    • 12 seconds ago

    Given all the nonsense happening all around the world, this doesn't surprise me. Not even a little.

    • 12 seconds ago

    FYI, I guess most of you do not realize how the NFL uses Marxism and Socialism yet, run by Billionaires! lol

    • 12 seconds ago

    Just remembered lithium mines cause a bigger environmental impact and if lithium gets wet for any reason it explodes bad for the environment again and for people

    • 12 seconds ago

    This guy inherited his "job", self appointed expert.

    • 12 seconds ago

    It seems to me that no one sees how much the auto industry has worked so hard to get where they are now and just want to blame them for everything…..

    • 12 seconds ago

    Thank Klaus Schwab and Bill Clinton.

    • 12 seconds ago

    This video is ridiculous. I'm mostly conservative and believe in capitalism but I don't need a wealthy person who likely has a financial interest in keeping cars on the road to lecture me and act like they are presenting facts in a logical argument. This is propaganda and completely ignores the most basic opposing points. If you are really interested in this complicated topic please educate yourself rather than listening to this ad for the auto makers and oil & gas industry.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Yes more fake problems drummed up by leftist.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Ah, the Cross Bronx Expressway. A lie like the LIE (Long Island Expressway). Both are glorified parking lots because they are always congested and traffic is always at a standstill.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Of course Lefties hate the automobile. Its an icon of freedom which they also hate. Lefties want to control us by preventing us from traveling freely.

    • 12 seconds ago

    The politicians and big business want to control US. It really is this simple. Everything they do is about controlling others, while avoiding any responsibility themselves.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Like I love freedom to travel on uncrowded roads however seems a shame to build ever new roads when the demographic predictions say the future will have fewer people. No one is having kids.

    • 12 seconds ago

    The people who want less roads, paid for by the collective, are socialists ?? You gotta love the logic ! 😂😂😂

    • 12 seconds ago

    It's called having options. If I want to drive, walk, bike, take public transit, etc.
    Sitting for hours in traffic to go to a ball game or work is not my idea of freedom.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Why is the conservative response always so brain dead? He describes the reasons why induced demand does exist. Induced demands means exactly what he presents as the alternative explanation – it IS people driving more becaue now they can live further away, now they can put developments further away, now the suburbs have the conditions where they can grow more. He argues against induced demand by giving all the reasons it exists. How does someone make a video like this without even understanding the basic principle being argued against?

    • 12 seconds ago

    Why aren't they talking about the numbers of the dead in NC ? 10,000

    • 12 seconds ago


    • 12 seconds ago

    It is so true you’re a great voice and I’m a huge fan. Thank you for doing this.

    • 12 seconds ago

    I own a compact car 35 highyway, 25 city. I'm not spending $50,000 on an electric car!

    • 12 seconds ago

    Part of the world economic forum agenda for total people control

    • 12 seconds ago

    Do not tread on me. M-kay?

    • 12 seconds ago

    You want to know why the Left is against cars? As an alternative to public transportation, they diminish the blackmail power of the (Left-run) transportation unions. By enabling suburbs, they let people move out of the (Left-run) cities! I could go on, but I think we get my point.

    • 12 seconds ago

    The mentally disturbed socialist manipulators are convinced that THEY and THEY ALONE are qualified to determine what, if anything we should be able to do or own, from automobiles to lawn mowers and kitchen appliances to the foods we're "allowed" to eat to the places we're "allowed" to go and when we're "allowed" to go there – if at all. They are truly a wretched lot.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Its weird. If urbanists wanted us to use trans more often, why not make the train lines more efficient? I live outside of Chicago, and I drive into the city even with the nightmare traffic. That is because the train ride takes about the same time for me to drive into the city WITH TRAFFIC. That isn't even factoring in getting to the station and walking to the destination I could have driven to faster. (Could easily add 30 minutes onto the commute alone) I'd take the train in a heart beat and deal with it, if it took 20-30 minutes off my total commute time.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Thumbs up!

    • 12 seconds ago

    What really gets me about "induced demand" argument is that it relies on people accepting that the additional traffic is magically appearing from out of nowhere. If you add a lane to a highway that doesn't have enough capacity and usage spikes, it's because everything else around it also doesn't have enough capacity. If everything had enough capacity except that one road that wouldn't happen. Not to mention if everything had enough capacity, traffic would be flowing quickly and efficiently instead of the constant gas-wasting and pollution-generating stop-and-go.

    California is an example of socialists deciding they hate cars and then forgetting why they hate cars. Instead of working to reduce emissions or pedestrian deaths they now simply want to make operating a car as inconvenient and as expensive as possible regardless of how it actually makes things worse for their original goals.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Most households in the Netherlands have a car, and there's less traffic. Even the most bicycle-centric suburbs, like Houten, have parking at almost every home. Yet the Netherlands is held up as the ideal by exactly the sort this shockingly misleading video condemns. Few people wanr to ban cars. Many people want investment in infrastructure alternatives, so that they have options beyond relying exclusively on an automobile. They usually oppose extra lanes because building a train track instead would move more people even faster. A train track can transport many more people than a car lane. And many people would rather ride a train than drive, clearing the road of traffic for those who want to drive.

    It's the same with separated bicycle lanes in cities: bicycles take up much less space than cars, so they can efficiently transport more people and get many people out of their cars and into the bike lane. Drivers don't want to worry about hitting cyclists and cyclists don't want to be hit by cars, so sepatate bike lanes or roads are better for both. In the most bicycle-reliant cities, cars and trucks still come in to do deliveries. People still drive out of town. They just drive a little slower, with a lower speed limit to accommodate more bicyclists and pedestrians. Once the cars get onto thr highway, they're going fast. Unfortunately, in the US we have too many slow, traffic-jammed roads and highways. An extra lane on a multilane highway isn't a permanent solution to the problem of a growing population. Some convenient high-speed trains would be a much more cost-effective way to reduce traffic on the roads and give people who don't want to drive or can't drive an alternate to driving.

    This video was a stinker. Except for a few crazies, everyone appreciates the freedom of travel afforded by thr automobile. Transit and urban planning advocates are rarely against car ownership, they just don't want automobiles prioritized above every other form of transportation. And it's often unpleasant to drive in most large American cities. There's too much traffic, and that also makes it unpleasant to walk or bike. We can only add so many lanes. Let's have some public transport and bike options to reduce traffic. Give people options! Then when one option is too congested, they can naturally move to another option that isn't. When people are routinely sitting in traffic for hours trying to commute, they're ready to try something else. The best part is, good transit infrastructure with lots of options is win-win, even for people who love to drive. It clears up the roads, because those who don't love to drive travel some other way. I'm for great road infrastructure, and great public transit infrastructure, and great bicycle infrastructure! I even really want more options to travel by ship! America is a great country and used to have many ways to get around before the dominance of the automotive highway. Why can't we have many options? Sometimes I want to just sit on the train or on a ferry and read a newspaper instead of driving. Or get some exercise as I get around on a bike. Cars are also really expensive, and good transit options would save many families the expense of a second car. Many of these options aren't car replacements, but they enable families to forego owning multiple cars because no one can go anywhere without a car.

    • 12 seconds ago

    Right On Steven Forbes!!

    • 12 seconds ago

    I've always​ told the induced demand fanatics that it's actually more making their life better or happier, and that it's a good thing. They have such a problem with people living better.

    • 12 seconds ago

    When does hydrogen become cheaper then ruining our environment with batteries and oil . Just wondering . Not educated sorry for thinking

    • 12 seconds ago

    The United States produces 14% of greenhouse gases. The Socialists act like they do not understand that China and India exist. EVs are all the rage until the 1200lb battery catches fire in your garage and burns down your neighborhood.

    • 12 seconds ago


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