Why a recession isn't in the cards right now: Economist
- March 16, 2025
- Less than a minute
- 7 hours ago

- by: @MoneyInvestingwithJ
- 7 hours ago
At the end of the day, nobody knows
- by: @matthew.stevick
- 7 hours ago
never was, headlines and late night news went crazy this week and snowflakes and noobs reacted. i took their money 💰. the game continues on and i continue to increase my net worth.
- by: @kenvalenti5414
- 7 hours ago
Recession isn't in the cards because it's going to be a depression.
No sane businessperson would invest in our chaotic country.
And people will stop spending immediately with all of this chaos.
Engineered stagflation. -
- by: @americanexpat8792
- 7 hours ago
Steve should state that current data reflects the past. The stock market is forward-looking and reacting to the Trump tax (tariffs) with justified fear. It will take 3-6 months (year for auto manufacturing) for the production supply chain to feel the full effects of these insane ideas. As Larry Summers has said, we are still in the 2nd inning of these changes and if these tariffs aren’t rolled back, recession is where we will be later in the year. Auto execs have estimated a $10k increase in car prices. One airline exec estimated a $40MM dollar increase in the cost of a new airliner. Buckle your belts, y’all!
- by: @bonniebob2802
- 7 hours ago
Trump and MAGA Republicans will pass another tax scam which will allow the wealthy and corporations to reinvest in the stock markets. Still that isn’t going to offset the inflation, unemployment, and lack of GDP growth caused by Trump firings and tariffs. Oh and don’t forget the additional $8+ trillion these former fiscal conservatives will be adding to the debt, or are we not talking about that anymore?
- by: @ssuwandi3240
- 7 hours ago
Thanks to Sipver Economy.. the rest of 50% are likely feeling hunger every night😅 What a DamningLife
- by: @JohnDoe-lc9yj
- 7 hours ago
No one wins a trade war. EVER.
- by: @henriquezfamily5135
- 7 hours ago
S&P why 5578 when it closed at 5638 signals are off on your video, just saying💯😎
- by: @IbrahimKone-ix4qi
- 7 hours ago
I am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 385K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30% annually in dividend returns. any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks will be appreciated…
- by: @SkywalkerDavis
- 7 hours ago
Productivity, innovation and prosperity doesn't thrive in a country where the government is stuck in a continuing resolution rather than a fully funded budget. We're looking at a nation in decline from so many levels.
- by: @JohnDoe-lc9yj
- 7 hours ago
The only reason economist exist, is to make weathermen look accurate.
- by: @wasupfool5692
- 7 hours ago
This guy is one of the very few economists that thinks a recession isn't coming
- by: @tk4c415
- 7 hours ago
not in the cards? the recession holds the trump card.
- by: @Mike-t6z7l
- 7 hours ago
Market crash 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
- by: @jimgranite
- 7 hours ago
There's no way to predict what could be in the cards, because you can't predict what Trump will do from day to day. Even he doesn't know!
- by: @bchgj96
- 7 hours ago
Not now, maybe but It will be, soon
- by: @gregorymilla9213
- 7 hours ago
April 2 the stock market crashes in a black swan event by Q3 we will be in a full blown recession within two years the A.I. and real estate bubbles collapse
- by: @danielginsburg9558
- 7 hours ago
The basis on which this guy forms his opinion is really weird and possibly politically motivated. First, retail sales for Jan. were much lower than expected. Then he says that businesses will continue to grow because failure isn't an option – that doesn't mean they will. It's demand from consumers that drives the economy, and with lots of people losing their jobs, guess what??
- by: @utkphilobio
- 7 hours ago
Donald Trump is a systemic credit risk…
- by: @JudithRadonlds
- 7 hours ago
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- by: @MariaPerez-de5lb
- 7 hours ago
The internet is helping and will help Americans not to have recession
- by: @LarkOfTheWoods
- 7 hours ago
Historically austerity brings on a recession– please don't say this time it's different.
- by: @jlvandat69
- 7 hours ago
Not all economists are well-informed in terms of tariffs and their impact on economic activity. This is one example.
- by: @martian9999
- 7 hours ago
His logic seems to be: CEOs want their bonuses, therefore they will find a way to increase profits, hence tariffs don't matter so much. He is letting micro trump macro. That's may be OK, but then why is he an economist, and not just a business psychology expert? (If it's all about "animal spirits", then who cares about a trade war?)
- by: @Susan-h7u9b
- 7 hours ago
My biggest concern is how I will survive all these financial and political crises, especially given the power struggle in the US. The government has really made things more difficult for its citizens, and we cannot sit idly by and suffer all the consequences of poor governance.
- by: @jacobschnberg5382
- 7 hours ago
A recession is absolutely possible ! People are saving , prices go up , people are laid off !
- by: @mitchellreid4205
- 7 hours ago
I think he is way off. If the Tariffs hold bye bye
- by: @ironvoice5079
- 7 hours ago
Basically, we have trillions and trillions.
In debt.. 😂😂😂😂
- by: @shaunpoore2356
- 7 hours ago
Bear Sterns is fine!!!
- by: @knt3219
- 7 hours ago
Great Analysis, Sir , Mr. Steve Ricchiuto Given All Possibilities In Place And U.S. 🇺🇸 Economy Structure Have Not Been Damaged As Future Market Forwarding. Sincerely ❤❤❤KNT.
9:31 A.M. Eastern Time 🇺🇸 March 16, 2025.
- by: @anniealexander9616
- 7 hours ago
What happens when the credit cards are maxed out?
- by: @Patrick-yh5yd
- 7 hours ago
In my town we have been in a recession. Our Flea market closed because people are broke. Winn Dixie closed to become an ALDI,s but no just sits empty. Many stores closed. Sports bars next. Everyone at Publixs and Walmart.
- by: @anonym-c1v
- 7 hours ago
politicians: the oligarchs said we have to hand out free money
also politicians: the oligarchs made a mistake so the peasants will have to pay
oligarchs: (laughs in bourgeouis) -
- by: @kristine2916
- 7 hours ago
he is economist? really? did he buy his diploma?
- by: @Bossdup
- 7 hours ago
the recession isn't in the cards because a depression is.
- by: @TopFindsReviews
- 7 hours ago
time to buy!
- by: @garethjones6880
- 7 hours ago
When a video doesn’t age well!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- by: @VeraAudrey
- 7 hours ago
In the 50's my Dad worked a modest job, Mom stayed at home and raised the kids, and they lived a nice middle class lifestyle including owning a home. Nowadays both I and my partner works and can barely afford to make ends meet. Soon the kids and family dog will need to work to keep this household going. It's the destruction of the American dream right before our eyes.
- by: @chuyenpham3336
- 7 hours ago
- by: @fuzzjunky
- 7 hours ago
guys guys put down the Kool-Aid
- by: @Susan-Carr-Oliveri
- 7 hours ago
Thanks for your content, Crypto ETFs approval has been a blessing to us buddy, I was able to build my portfolio to $56k in a month, I feel blessed
- by: @Muskd_rider
- 7 hours ago
Buy puts
- by: @BubbaDave
- 7 hours ago
Criminal trump who bankrupted several companies is now destroying amerikkka.
- by: @timc7312
- 7 hours ago
recession `starts April 3rd
- by: @Lopster-c3k
- 7 hours ago
The American economy is.💩🔥💩🔥
- by: @jonpaxton4987
- 7 hours ago
Trumpcession is coming if he keeps his stupid economic ideas
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