Trump Asked Point Blank About Why The Stock Market Is 'Spooked' Amid Tariff Uncertainty
- March 8, 2025
- Less than a minute
- 1 day ago

- by: @dannysullivan3951
- 1 day ago
A child driving a Ferrari.
- by: @BTK1653
- 1 day ago
Trump swallows when he meets with Putin…but he negotiates the BEST NAFTA EVER! Then tatiffs our neighbors. Bend over, drop trou, beg Putin to do you like the real man he is!!
- by: @W1tchdokta
- 1 day ago
I see those Trump votes that got him in office are really paying off.
- by: @JodanSmith-y1q
- 1 day ago
I Hit 55,590 Dollars today Thank you for all the knoowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last month, I start with 5k in last week 2025…… now i just hit 55,590 Dallars
- by: @user-fc7er1zr3n
- 1 day ago
Everything is falling apart for Trump.
American Economy is a dumpster fire, his Foreign Policy is backfiring. Apparently his only friend is Putin.
Pathetic. -
- by: @BevView
- 1 day ago
That was a waste of time.
- by: @declutterbug7106
- 1 day ago
What an idiot! With great wealth comes great responsibilities.
- by: @MrQwertypoiuyty
- 1 day ago
He does have a limited vocabulary, OMG.
- by: @helixator3975
- 1 day ago
Inflation, insolvencies and job losses are all up. Consumer spending, the stock market, dollar and GDP are all down. Those are the facts, all Trump has is spin.
- by: @debravolz104
- 1 day ago
Our biggest moron. Undoing his own deals😂
- by: @jmcd9828
- 1 day ago
How!? How?! How did this happen? How did Trump land in the Oval Office? Socrates concerns re: democracy spectacularly demonstrated!
- by: @josephtoney360
- 1 day ago
None of what he's saying is true all this man does is whine and act like a 2-year-old but the people that voted for him is truly getting what they deserve
- by: @earlhopkins3745
- 1 day ago
Wasn't trump the one who said that if he wasn't elected that the stock market would crash. We went through four years of no trump, no market crash. trump gets in for four weeks and what happens. A STOCK MARKET CRASH!!!
- by: @navsofour2892
- 1 day ago
That's a real President any country should have.
- by: @Tony-e4y7y
- 1 day ago
November 4 dow jones 41,794 with Biden as president and before election results. After a bad week for stocks with markets pricing in increase tariffs/trade wars Dow is 42,801. The market knows which president is best for the US economy.
- by: @insAneTunA
- 1 day ago
America was a nice experiment. And now the experiment has come to an end. If you think that this is bad just wait and see what he is going to do at the end of his 4 year term. You ain't seen nothing yet.
- by: @supertal244
- 1 day ago
I like Trump but he’s acting too boldly and the market hates it! People are losing more than their shirts!
- by: @infernus42254
- 1 day ago
Calm before the storm.
- by: @daw7773
- 1 day ago
"When I was President we had the greatest economy EVER" LMAO
- by: @kelmartine00
- 1 day ago
For the first time I get it!!! The globalist agenda is barking back. There’s a real opportunity to buy low as the markets decline.
- by: @MysticalMoonBaby80
- 1 day ago
Trump and Musk needs to go Impeach Trump and Send Elon back to Tesla
- by: @James-tv3gy
- 1 day ago
The ones who have been ripping off america was trump amd his bankruptcy
- by: @tancreddehauteville764
- 1 day ago
This man has no understanding of economics, and that is terrifying! A president without an understanding of economics is the same as giving a loaded gun to a 5 year old.
- by: @dpmu1977
- 1 day ago
the market doesn't like uncertainty and Orange is exactly that
- by: @judsi2011
- 1 day ago
Another example of his stupidity.
- by: @vigoedwinpandika5236
- 1 day ago
I don’t know if china will get in to a stock market crash just like what happened in call of duty black ops 2 💀
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