Amidst a whirlwind of legal drama, The Onion emerged victorious in the bidding war to acquire Infowars, a controversial website helmed by Alex Jones. The aftermath of the judge’s decision to order an evidentiary hearing has only intensified the chaos surrounding the sale.
Legal Battle Unfolds
- Infowars claimed that the sale had been blocked, sparking confusion and uncertainty. However, Onion CEO Ben Collins swiftly clarified the situation on Bluesky and X, reassuring stakeholders that the sale was proceeding as planned.
Court Date Set
- Collins revealed that a court date has been scheduled for the upcoming week, signaling the final steps in completing the acquisition. Despite Infowars’ request to continue publishing in the interim, the verdict seemed clear – The Onion’s bid had prevailed.
Jones’ Outrage
- Unsurprisingly, Alex Jones denounced the auction as "rigged" and utilized his platform to voice his discontent. Allegations of interference from Elon Musk’s social media site added further fuel to the fire, as the tension between the parties escalated.
Bidder Revealed
- The Onion faced off against First United American Companies in the bidding process, ultimately emerging as the victor. While the exact figure of The Onion’s bid remains undisclosed, the backing of families affected by the Sandy Hook tragedy lent additional weight to their cause.
- Future Plans
- Collins outlined his vision for the future of Infowars, describing it as "the dumbest website on the internet." With plans to exclusively feature Everytown for Gun Safety as the sole advertiser, a significant shift in content and direction is on the horizon.
As the dust settles on this high-stakes acquisition, The Onion remains steadfast in their commitment to transforming Infowars into a platform that defies expectations. Despite the challenges that lie ahead, Collins’ optimism and determination pave the way for a new chapter in the turbulent saga of Infowars.