September 23, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

'Our World Is Heading Off The Rails': UN Sec.-Gen António Guterres Addresses UN Summit Of The Future

'Our World Is Heading Off The Rails': UN Sec.-Gen António Guterres Addresses UN Summit Of The Future

    • 5 hours ago

    My condolences to all the victims who suffered and died because of the |ndian regime.

    Land grabbing and expansionist |ndia since 1947 independence.

    1947 Annexation of Kashmir

    1948 Annexation of Hyderabad

    1948 Annexation of Junagadh

    1949 Annexation of Manipur

    1949 Annexation of Tripura

    1951 Annexation of South Tibet

    1951 Nagaland plebiscite – 99.9% of the Nagas wanted independence from India

    1961 Annexation of Goa

    1962 Annexation of Kalapani, Nepal

    1962 Aggression against China

    1971 Annexation of Turtuk, Pakistan

    1972 Annexation of Tin Bigha, Bangladesh

    1975 Annexation of Sikkim (the whole country)

    1983 (Aborted) Attempted invasion of Mauritius

    1990 (Failed) Attempted annexation of Bhutan

    2006 Annexation of Duars, Bhutan

    2013 Annexation of Moreh, Myanmar

    • 5 hours ago

    All I heard was we NEED A.I. As he keeps glitching (TO RUN THE WORLD) And we can USE our Youths to push this IF we can sell the D.E.I. Programs, which are MAJOR FAILS so far here in America!

    • 5 hours ago

    Get rid of the. UN

    • 5 hours ago

    Climate crisis was all i needed to hear. I'm out.

    • 5 hours ago

    One world government, coming soon.

    • 5 hours ago

    the guts of chaos, weakness and Israel bashing

    • 5 hours ago

    75yrs of peace nato formed after
    Ww2 so nazi order never happened again
    So we have autocracy stirring
    The cauldron of hate ! OMG
    Bolster defences etc

    • 5 hours ago

    Guterres helps to fund Hamas Terrorism. This guy condemned Israel for warmcrimes. But did not condemn Hamas until bullied into it. He is antiwestern, and very evil. He does not want more power so he can help the world, but to tear it down. He wants to help dismantle democracy for China. He is bought and paid for and ultra corrupt! He needs to be investigated by the DOJ. They are trying to sneak this in before the U.S. Election.

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    This guy really needs to put on his walking shoes and walk around Manhattan and look above the first floor. Legitimacy of narrative is the issue. It has been the issue for 25 years, especially in NYC.

    • 5 hours ago

    thief…..wants US $$$$

    • 5 hours ago

    Climate change rule$$!?? U.S.??? Lol😅😊😮 U.S wants to keep living of the world 😊

    • 5 hours ago

    U.S planning on impose rules on climate change as another tool of control😅😊? U.S believes is fooling the world as before?😅😊😮

    • 5 hours ago

    Can't believe he thinks we believe him? He's teaching us he thinks

    • 5 hours ago

    Gutierrez? You don't get it do you!??..
    Can you see how leaders are telling you." Future"?? What about unfixed more important issues by far from the past and todays?? Where is the U.S intelligence to lecture u what to say that sounds smart? In their WMD ??

    • 5 hours ago

    At least, we have toilet paper and are not wearing masks.

    • 5 hours ago

    Screw that why should Americans fund the development of poor nations and just hand over all of the advanced technologies that Americans spent decades doing research and development, including billions of dollars on.

    • 5 hours ago

    Met this guy in 99, when he was the leftist prime minister of Portugal. Don’t think he is up to the task of secretary general. Hard times are coming with the economical decline of imperialistic U.S. and EU country’s. Historically, empires facing economic or geopolitical challenges have often resorted to conflict or military action in an attempt to preserve their global influence and U.S. will not be different.
    In the context of the U.S. and the EU, economic and political challenges such as slowing growth, rising inequality, and geopolitical shifts (e.g., the rise of China and other emerging economies) have led some to believe that these powers will engage in more aggressive foreign policies to maintain dominance and we in fact are already observing those policies starting to take place with the intention to slow down some country’s economical growth and geopolitical expansion. China, India, some, South American and African country’s will be the center of the economic world. Nobody prepared mentally the North Americans that see themselves as the center of the world to the country collapse.

    • 5 hours ago

    He's a true threat to US security.

    • 5 hours ago

    Not going to happen. To amend the UNSC charter, you need agreement from each and every Permanent 5 UNSC members.👍Winners dictate the rules, ok?

    • 5 hours ago

    |ndia is crying because she was denied an UNSC permanent membership over and over again despite begging for it since 1994. |ndia's Bollywood scripts may have changed over time, but intellectuals can see through the ploy of |ndia. |ndia's motive for an UNSC reform was never about peace or equity. It was all about satisfying the |ndian ego/jealousy and their inferiority comp|ex: If |ndia can't have a permanent UNSC permanent seat, all other countries shall not have it either. Thus, the |ndians are pushing this agenda, the "need" for an UNSC reform, on all social medias.

    India probably paid him a lot of money to say that.

    Source: Jstor – India has been bidding for the permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council since 1994 …..

    • 5 hours ago

    I used to support the UN. . . .

    • 5 hours ago

    Globalism is a failure and has made things worse for 99%.

    • 5 hours ago

    Un is gone when trump gets in

    • 5 hours ago

    Oddly enough the world is being destroyed by top down efforts. Always ends the same way. History always shows that the people rip the elite from their high horses. Elites need to realize there are much better ways to move into the future for all. Their current plans are doomed to fail in the most horrifying ways.

    • 5 hours ago

    The Anti-Christ must be like now my plan for world domination is coming into fruition through the United Nation's Pact for the Future.

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    & zee Dracula says –
    blah – blah – blah 😂😂

    He is comical at best!
    But very detrimental –
    because it is our new reality!

    He basically is telling all politicians globally & all people that their systems don't work anymore
    he can solves all problems –
    because he is so smart!

    He's calling all humans on earth & their paid actors as deficients – because they don't obey fast enough!

    The PACT of the Future really stands for

    Meaning – what can UN & their paid actors do to manipulate & exploit more people for labor & their profits!

    What fear tactics can they do to make sure people get scared into their compliance!!!

    & ze people willz –
    do as told!

    Or theyz gets to eatz the bugz again!

    • 5 hours ago

    May the odds be forever in your favor

    • 5 hours ago

    "And he causes both rich and poor , great and small , … receive a mark …where by which you will not be able to buy or sell…"….

    • 5 hours ago

    US must VETO all their global plans. Defund WHO. The UN and Obama initiated the illegal invasion (2016 ?) Their are WEF members of the UN. Also non profits are assisting with the global invasion. All these billionaires like Blackrock, Soros, Rockefeller and many foundations should pour their money into these 3 rd world countries, instead of this invasion. This is all intentional !!!

    • 5 hours ago

    Is this guy delusional or what.

    • 5 hours ago

    UN is also the blame in this mess. It’s easy to talk.

    • 5 hours ago

    Screw the United Nations.

    • 5 hours ago

    So is nato

    • 5 hours ago

    With bombs it was impossible, so something must be achieved with business!
    Taliban asks Russia to go to BRICS Summit in October
    The Taliban (an organization under UN sanctions for terrorist activity) want an opportunity to present their position at the next BRICS meeting, which will take place in October in Russia, said Muhammad Suhail Shaheen

    • 5 hours ago

    Yeah, a big part of that is the UN. Defund the UN and its corruption.

    • 5 hours ago

    8:58 you are a wise man i like you already ❤

    • 5 hours ago

    8:54 😊😅

    • 5 hours ago

    8:07 True

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    Bidenomic effect of not telling the truth.

    • 5 hours ago

    Well, I wonder if they are even reading the comments.

    Oh yea, stop spreying the ppl of planet earth.

    • 5 hours ago

    I noticed he never mentioned serving the everyday citizens. Globalist Billionaire's taking over hiding behind global warming, wokism ect. People of planet earth are sick of this so-called leadership. Rich countries & poor countries both are beginning to stand up to this fascist tactics wrapped up in other justice warriors tactics.

    • 5 hours ago

    Is through caos we evolve sadly without caos there’s no evolution

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