September 21, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

BREAKING: GOP Senators Directly Call Out Biden, Harris Rhetoric After Trump Assassination Attempt

BREAKING: GOP Senators Directly Call Out Biden, Harris Rhetoric After Trump Assassination Attempt

    • 16 seconds ago

    America vote trump or loose ur country

    • 16 seconds ago

    Return the favoure if dems cheat again

    • 16 seconds ago

    It’s about time someone speaks up

    • 16 seconds ago

    Yes they do need to shut up . 😁 spot on 👍. TRUMP 2024

    • 16 seconds ago

    You know we follow Trump out of Namibia from 2016 , He look tired bit still going on to safe his country !! You can be so happy and proud of him, a real Leader !!!!!!

    • 16 seconds ago

    CANCEL "THE VIEW" for starters! They repeat all kinds of nonsense directed at Trump

    • 16 seconds ago

    Jesus Donald Trump American First

    • 16 seconds ago

    God love you

    • 16 seconds ago

    Sorry lots people

    • 16 seconds ago

    Jesus name Amen 🙏 🙌

    • 16 seconds ago

    Support army food

    • 16 seconds ago

    Mom work hospital 41years Bloomington Indiana

    • 16 seconds ago

    Jesus is doing good warships game love game to much 🙌 🙏 today all time

    • 16 seconds ago

    Kamala should be teaching children…..she.talks to America as if we are stupid-cant comprehend. BIDE.N.was a dependable President . DO YOU SEETHE DISRUCTION HES DONE TO AMERICA.WHAT DID KAMalA dowhile she was Vice Presidentshes not gonna do us like she saying then laugh

    • 16 seconds ago

    Why do they want to kill trump he's the only one who can help us ,God Bless Trump

    • 16 seconds ago

    Bidens fault

    • 16 seconds ago

    No Kommunist infiltration!

    • 16 seconds ago


    • 16 seconds ago

    It's obvious the Dems want and are actively trying to kill the people's president!

    • 16 seconds ago


    • 16 seconds ago

    Good luck getting the fake press to tell the truth.

    • 16 seconds ago


    • 16 seconds ago

    The Biden/Harris administration won't grant extra protection because they want it to happen. That is their only hope to win. They want to talk shit and say Trump incited violence on Jan 6 yet what they are doing now is twice as bad.

    • 17 seconds ago

    Be Blessed

    • 17 seconds ago

    the 3 speaker said harris beening elected this november the time mark around 8.30 to 8.42 how do you know ???? how can you trust a voteing machine that can be programed with a disk just look at cnc milling machine can mill parts by it self.. i was at canscio i seen the slot machine beening programed with a disk to not pay off but 80% of the time you can set it for 99% ALSO OR 0 I DONT TRUST THEM I SAY TAKE PICTURE OF YOUR VOTE AS A RECORD I DO

    • 17 seconds ago


    • 17 seconds ago

    Thank you Coach ❤

    • 17 seconds ago

    its illegal

    • 17 seconds ago

    He a threat to the swamp

    • 17 seconds ago

    Thank you for advocating for additional security for President Trump.

    • 17 seconds ago

    Since the "pandemic" was officially called globally in March 2020 the whole world has become even MORE messed up then it was be4. Of course it was all planned be4. The c19 virus is indeed real and can make us ill (all depends on the viral load) and kill people with 3 or more serious health conditions however the so called needed restrictions/lockdown rules were absolutely not needed, the injection wasn't really soo needed to make it mandatory, but it was all needed to change our society for good otherwise all the changes that took place in 4 years would have taken place in 10/15 years

    • 17 seconds ago

    Now is the time for every single Congress member who thinks you need to take our guns away to give up their security for the good of the country. For the safety for us. Trump needs that security more than a congress. Member sitting there making a law needs security. It’s time they all gave up their security, and give it to Trump since there’s been two assassinations already attempted on him. They think it’s no big deal then they can give their security up to protect Trump. After all, there’s nothing to fear right Democrats?

    • 17 seconds ago

    Biden yo get more security for trump. We got to keep Trump alive he is the one that will get this country right.

    • 17 seconds ago

    They know what theyre doing

    • 17 seconds ago

    Yes!!!Trump will work hard for our country, he loves the USA
    TRUMP 2024

    • 17 seconds ago

    So protect Trump. Don't just talk about it

    • 17 seconds ago

    I'll quit my job to help

    • 17 seconds ago

    there aint nothing left about "the left" … I prefer to refer to the parties as blue team and red team. If anything, red team is a lot further "left" than the blue team. Red Team is pro free speech, (more) anti war, and less authoritarian, and are pro constitutionalists. Blue team (party of the deep state and AIPAC) is more fascist (soft fascism/fascistic) etc… Both parties in this country are pretty lame. Im happy to see Tulsi and RFK backing Trump. Hopefully Trump can win and move red team further left. USA has fake elections though… so blue team probably because the CIA going to rig our elections Michael Vu just got hired by blue team to rig another election

    • 17 seconds ago

    The media needs to cleaned up. Tell lies, get fired or jailed for treason.

    • 17 seconds ago

    It's about time the GOP changed their tone and called out the Democrats as the lying crooks that they are. And Trump needs private protection consultants to double-check the SS procedures wherever he goes. If he'd had them on his golf course, they'd have been asking where the infrared drones were and why the fence hadn't been checked. It's pathetic that even the grunts in the SS didn't stand up and say the cover is crap. The SS team leaders should be brought in front of Congress, not the dumb-looking director, to answer for their cock-ups; or are they deliberate omissions.

    • 17 seconds ago

    Now is the time to replace the absolutely useless
    Secrete service…..FBI…ATF… IRS….all are weaponized against America

    • 17 seconds ago

    Who cares about abortion this is about De portion

    • 17 seconds ago

    amen to that sir

    • 17 seconds ago

    Obama isnt the sitting President either, and he has better security! ( even though hes running the Biden Harris regime! ) Its ridiculous! TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸

    • 17 seconds ago


    • 17 seconds ago

    what did the florida shooter say in his many interviews? haven't heard a PEEP ABOUT HIS MOTIVE or his deep ties to government

    • 17 seconds ago

    this dude talking should remain apolitical….. what a waste of money to pay a guy like that. 2 assassination attempts, means the country despise him. trump is a despot. an orange despot.

    • 17 seconds ago

    THEY ARE READING THEIR PLEAS FOR MONEY. GIVE US MORE MONEY OR YOU WILL BE HURT. fire the clowns that didn't do the protocols already on the books. ss directly forced the gaps at butler. fedgov funded and told the guy where to be in florida. no perimeter sweeps prior? why not you're supposed to. they have been at that course many times before. a quick walk around the course with a dog would have foiled the attempt. they need how many more billions ? do we collectively want a high tech police state? do we really want to empower kim cheetle and ronald rowe when they have clearly shown they are incompetent. we don't need more money we need NEW, BETTER PEOPLE at the top. THESE PEOPLE SCREW UP AND TAKE NO ACCOUNTABILITY WHEN THEY ARE 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR THE THINGS THAT HAPPEN. THEY SCREW UP AND DEMAND MORE MONEY OR MORE SCREW UPS. THEY DID IT INTENTIONALLY AND SHOULD BE FIRED.

    • 17 seconds ago

    It's time to investigate Blackrock and dismantling there monopoly and similar companies from running the government and media.

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