September 19, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

'RENTING THE MONEY': Steve Forbes says the Fed needs to 'back off'

'RENTING THE MONEY': Steve Forbes says the Fed needs to 'back off'

    • 8 hours ago


    • 8 hours ago

    US savings accounts sure don't pay 5%+ interest ☺️

    • 8 hours ago

    Trump stock, DJT in the toilet again today. 😩. Might disappear ❓

    • 8 hours ago

    Trump failed America…… Maga failed Americans

    • 8 hours ago

    Yawn. If it wasn't for family money, this guy would be selling suits at Macy's.

    • 8 hours ago

    people have had 20 years to invest and most didnt

    • 8 hours ago

    Absolutely NO surprise that the Fed chairman pulls a Democratic-Socialist move to enable Harris in her pretense of patriotism!!

    • 8 hours ago

    Let the market take care of it. Meanwhile the Fed prints multi trillion dollar debt every year.

    • 8 hours ago

    Republicans are bound and determined to make Americans suffer so they can get elected.

    • 8 hours ago

    It's hard to sell the economy is a nightmare narrative when the Fed cuts rates. Republicans are bigly mad but it's ok. The cult members will believe what they're told anyway.

    • 8 hours ago

    I came across your channel through this video—case studies are incredibly valuable, and I'm eager to see more in the future! Building wealth involves establishing routines, like consistently setting aside funds at regular intervals for smart investments.

    • 8 hours ago

    The FEDS are nothing but an organised crime syndicate.

    • 8 hours ago

    !!!I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think Nvidia is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks or Crypto will be appreciated

    • 8 hours ago

    Wizard of oz. "If I only was a boomer."

    • 8 hours ago

    The federal reserve has NEVER solved economic problems. A house in 1975 was 20g and a car was 4500. Every inflation period the prices have gone up and never gone back down that's way everything is so expensive and that same house is 200g and car is 45g. AFTER A RISE IN INFLATION PRICES NEVER GO BACK DOWN.

    • 8 hours ago

    TRUMP AND FOX BOTH LIE…Trump is the biggest dog eating Haitian.

    • 8 hours ago


    • 8 hours ago

    We love Steve ! Have him on weekly !!

    • 8 hours ago

    Why did congress cede its article 1 right to regulate currency to an agency controlled by the executive branch?

    • 8 hours ago

    Nobody has any money to buy houses or overpriced cars. We add 1 trillion every 3 months to the debt but oh no, we can’t dare cut anything.

    • 8 hours ago

    The unpatriotic Americans on Fox Spin Business News are never happy they always complain if interest rates go up or down under a Democratic President.

    • 8 hours ago

    What I've been saying ,long time, and I'm a nobody. You can only make money off of money for so long.🤔

    • 8 hours ago

    Everybody is happy with interest cut, except for these asholers. Is trump going to raise interest when he is elected? asholers never be happy.

    • 8 hours ago

    Millossevick : The Fed needs to prove that market economy capitalusm is still relevant in 2024

    • 8 hours ago

    Millossevick : we cannot BE seen abroad as a country where money is cheap and where uncle Sam throws money from the helicopter

    • 8 hours ago

    Millossevick : therefore , the federel reserve , despite low inflation , despite a creepling coolling economy , the centrel bank must deffend thee ideal of a capitalistick market economy that rewards knowledge , skills and success and punishes thiefring , cheating and unfairness

    • 8 hours ago

    All of these problems, we are living in the world the Boomers built. How did it happen that they were such terrible stewards of the economy during their reign?

    • 8 hours ago

    I still wish Steve would run for President again. He's a real businessman and has great ideas like a flat tax. This alone would save billions in tax preparation for the citizens and government a year. It would make the system more equitable and streamlined. Go Steve!🙂👍

    • 8 hours ago

    I miss Alam Greenspan!

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