September 19, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

Is Government Safetyism Making Parents More Stressed?

Is Government Safetyism Making Parents More Stressed?

In a world where public health crises seem to be lurking around every corner, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has identified a new threat to the mental well-being of the nation: Parenting. Murthy’s recent 36-page advisory sheds light on the overwhelming feelings of “guilt and shame” that have become all too common among today’s parents, marking the mental health of parents as a pressing public health concern.

Here are some key points from Murthy’s advisory that shed light on the challenges faced by parents today:

  • The stress and loneliness experienced by parents, both before and since the pandemic, have escalated significantly.
  • Parents report higher levels of stress compared to non-parents, highlighting the need for support.
  • Murthy emphasizes the importance of having a committed co-parent, extended family, and friends to alleviate feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

While Murthy’s observations are valid, his report fails to acknowledge the significant positive impact that married parents experience in terms of reduced loneliness and anxiety. Before pouring more taxpayer money into social services that may not address the root causes of parental stress, it is essential for government entities to proceed with caution.

One major area where the government’s intervention has backfired is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. School closures resulted in detrimental consequences for children, leading to widespread learning loss and mental health crises. Parents were also significantly affected, with studies showing increased alcohol consumption and antidepressant use, especially in areas with prolonged school closures.

Furthermore, initiatives like the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative have inadvertently added to parental stress rather than alleviating it. By pressuring mothers to breastfeed immediately after childbirth without considering individual circumstances, these programs have resulted in avoidable risks and negative experiences for parents.

In light of the evidence, it is clear that government guidelines need to be reevaluated to truly support the well-being of parents. By lifting unnecessary tariffs, revisiting stringent regulations, and providing more practical solutions, the government can empower parents to prioritize their children’s best interests without unnecessary stressors. Ultimately, it is time for policymakers to step back and allow parents to take the lead in nurturing their families without unnecessary interference.

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