Hidden within the quiet plains of Atchison, Kansas, lies a monastery where a unique group of individuals wield a significant amount of power in the realm of corporate activism. These individuals are not the typical Wall Street investors or boardroom executives; they are the Benedictine sisters of Mount St. Scholastica. With a quiet determination, these eighty nuns have taken on corporate giants like Google, Target, and Citigroup, advocating for social responsibility and ethical practices in the corporate world.
The Power of a Small Voice:
Led by Sister Barbara McCracken, the nuns have made a name for themselves by challenging major corporations on a variety of issues, from AI oversight to human rights policies. Their small presence often irks the larger companies, who view them as a pesky intrusion in their profit-driven world. Despite their size, the nuns are persistent and unwavering in their mission to hold corporations accountable for their actions. -
Standing Up for Women’s Rights:
Recently, the Benedictine sisters made headlines for critiquing a commencement speech given by a Kansas City Chiefs kicker, which they found to be dismissive of women’s roles. As a community dedicated to education and empowerment, the nuns have long been champions of women’s rights. Their commitment to gender equality is evident in their own ranks, where many sisters hold advanced degrees and professional careers. -
Using Investments for Good:
Although they may not have vast financial resources, the nuns strategically invest in companies that align with their religious and ethical values. By leveraging their shareholder status, they propose resolutions aimed at promoting social justice and sustainability within corporations. From advocating for human rights assessments to pushing for greater diversity on corporate boards, the nuns use their investments as a tool for positive change. - A Commitment to Social Justice:
Rooted in Catholic social teaching, the Benedictine sisters view their activist investing as an extension of their faith. Their efforts are driven by a deep-seated belief in the importance of sharing resources for the common good and uplifting marginalized communities. Through their actions, they seek to uphold principles of justice, compassion, and solidarity in the corporate world.
In a world where profits often take precedence over people, the Benedictine sisters of Mount St. Scholastica offer a powerful reminder that ethical investing and social responsibility are not just ideals, but tangible actions that can create meaningful change. By embodying the values of their faith through activism, these nuns inspire others to use their voices and resources for the betterment of society. Their story serves as a testament to the enduring power of conviction and the impact that a small group of dedicated individuals can have on the world around them.
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