September 21, 2024
44 S Broadway, White Plains, New York, 10601

'Bipartisan Disgust': Marsha Blackburn Blasts The Conduct Of The Secret Service After Trump Shooting

'Bipartisan Disgust': Marsha Blackburn Blasts The Conduct Of The Secret Service After Trump Shooting

    • 1 month ago

    So hard to investigate oneself convincingly and not find anything

    • 1 month ago

    all funded by Soros

    • 1 month ago

    It is more important to protect their pensions. Of course it's play cover your ass. Rather than take responsibility, just blame the locals.

    • 1 month ago

    So what are we going to do about.

    • 1 month ago

    Good luck,the oath they took is paying off

    • 1 month ago

    Utterly shocking. and very hard to believe.

    The entire Event, Story, crickets, the misdirects, misstatements, don’t have that, it was too sloped….just unbelievable.

    • 1 month ago

    I love to see these Big Strong Men standing beside Senator Blackburn, they have her back.

    • 1 month ago

    Yet google doesn’t seem to show an assassination attempt on Trump 🧐🤨

    • 1 month ago

    Secret Service self immolating….this acting director needs to go.i remember , this is sick when Smith drove her kids to the lake…it was wall to wall press conference..zSen. Blackburn is right of course about the culture of the top officials of DOJ, FBI, DHS……THIS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED.

    • 1 month ago

    Marsha why don't you allow comments on your YouTube channel?????? that's bipartisan disgust

    • 1 month ago

    It's always good to see any of our local city county and state elected officials in action along with our local and state law enforcements down to every last government agency . I don't care what party you represent Democrat Republican conservatives. If you choose to overlook corruption that gets reported at level . I will continue to expose the truth no matter the unjust consequences I have continued to face. My vote my voice will count for leaders who prove to display proof of actions by the words they speak. We the people put trust in who we elect to represent us. I know what my facts prove.

    • 1 month ago

    In any other department, if someone is killed or an employee screws up this badly, they are always placed on paid leave pending an investigation. Why are these fools not even on leave? Truly unbelievable – this is the BS that makes everyone SO suspicious. People were killed, a president was almost assassinated, and they're acting like nothing happened. Truly bizarre.

    • 1 month ago

    I believe 100% the Secret Service and FBI are trying to assassinate President Trump. Too many Marxists on the executive 7th floor of the FBI headquarters in Washington DC. Secret Service is Leftist also and YOU AMERICA ARE TAX PAYER FUNDING THIS OPERATION TO GET TRUMP!!!😢

    • 1 month ago

    I blame the Republicans for this for not impeaching Biden and Harris and cleaning house

    • 1 month ago

    Looks like Crooks was a cutout and the real shooter was an Antifa member.. Congress getting all the facts??

    • 1 month ago

    They make the lie they want the media to put out. They know the media will not come back and correct the information

    • 1 month ago

    Of course it’s bipartisan now because all of them are in danger! CYA. Business as usual !

    • 1 month ago

    This is how your government identifies INSIDER THREATS. Perhaps YOU should incorporate it into your calculus .

    Organizational INSIDER THREAT Indicators

    • High stress environment
    • Lack of candor or transparency
    • Tolerance of poor performance
    • Toxic leadership
    • Inconsistent enforcement of policy
    • Inaction following notification of grievance, threat, or increased risk
    • Overly aggressive reaction following notification of threat
    • Inappropriate disciplinary action
    • Bureaucratic compartmentalization of
    • Lack of understanding or awareness regarding insider threat risk
    • Pattern of overwork
    • Lack of appreciation for
    • Heightened uncertainty–financial or contractual
    • Recent merger/acquisition
    • No risk assessment process
    • Apparent indifference to complaints of harassment or discrimination
    • Undertrained staff (particularly in cybersecurity)

    • 1 month ago

    Beyond incompetence.

    • 1 month ago

    People need to go to prison

    • 1 month ago

    Why are we acting like the FBI, DOJ and CIA didn’t just try and have Trump killed. Make no mistake this was because the alphabet agencies wanted Trump gone.

    • 1 month ago

    Zero trust in the secret Service, FBI or Homeland Security. Absolutely none.

    • 1 month ago

    FBI and SS are brainwashed puppets.

    • 1 month ago

    The only way we will ever hear the truth is to NOT trust the government to investigate themselves. We need a complete independent investigation in order to get the truth. Like JFK and RFK only when individuals spent a life time investigating for the truth and only then did we get to hear from the eye witnesses, doctors and professionals the truth. All we will get from this is another "Warren Commission" BS and destroying the evidence.

    • 1 month ago

    Who are the 31 people there protecting?

    • 1 month ago

    God…love this intelligent, articular and long on common sense and fairness and really short on BS Woman. Hope she runs for higher Offices.

    • 1 month ago

    Co conspirators (Democratic Cult) at a dozen levels both in our Government and outside working to ensure Trump doesn't become President again… no other explanation. They gave this young Man and anyone else an opening as wide as Texas to do harm to Trump…and turning his head less than half an inch at the right time is why he is alive, hand of God, not his time, fate, alignment of the planets? A country that has only one party in control… bodes badly for its Citizens or should we say subjects or the masses. Like Russia, North Korea, China and Iran. Huumm

    • 1 month ago

    The Secret Service Had A Closely Guarded Secret: – They're Incompetent! Unfortunately for them, due to recent events, the cat is now out of the bag.

    • 1 month ago

    Yes, yes we all know. We have been slamming the SS for weeks. Nothing about an inside job and going after those who were actually behind this.

    • 1 month ago

    Private vendors

    • 1 month ago

    Schapiro lookin in that mirror again?

    • 1 month ago

    FBI is still looking into the Biden laptop !
    FBI,SS is clearly responsible !

    • 1 month ago

    Congress is worthless…I would never let my Kids work their life away when a beginner Home is almost a million dollars. Screw yourself Kids Go have fun… Government just going to Ruin your life.

    • 1 month ago

    Good luck getting truth from SS or FBI. Haven’t seen any evidence of compliance from any government agency for over three years. There’s a cover up, just not sure how dark it is.

    • 1 month ago

    As usual, there is a bunch of outrage and talking heads, and nothing happens. We are all being played.

    • 1 month ago

    FBI groomed him…
    told him it was a mock drill with blanks…
    gave him live rounds instead …
    then took him out…

    Established Facts
    USSS denied drone offer by local police… Rowe testified he doesn't know why ???

    USSS Drone didn't work that day due to cellular issues.. but Crooks drone just fine 😂….why?

    FBI can talk to media about Crooks alleged anti Semitic views without any confirmation

    But FBI can not confirm reasons of security failures even 3 weeks later

    Police Counter Snipers knew of Crooks 2 hrs before and even posted his picture in group chats and mentioned that USSS should be informed

    Trump not informed and allowed on stage despite active threat !!!

    No sniper on AGR roof

    Crooks Allowed near eally with Range Finder backpack and bicycle despite being identified as suspicious !!

    Allowed to survey site by Drone on the day of rally!!!

    Allowed to make 5-6 shots

    Allowed on roof with ladder and rifle in plain sight !!!

    Allowed to roam free for 62 minutes despite being marked

    Allowed 12 minutes on roof despite police being warned!!!

    FBI pressure washed the roof immediately despite ongoing investigation 😮😮

    20 yr old has truck with explosives with VA plates despite living in Pennsylvania 😂

    Has encrypted overseas accounts

    Allowed to track a President's movements on internet

    Appears in a Blackrock commercial

    SS chief says reason for lapse is sloped roof

    FBI concludes lone wolf attack immediately

    3 snipers abandon their post overlooking Crooks

    1 sniper with view of roof sent home earlier that day

    Security perimeter is 80 yards only 😮

    Counter sniper takes shot from 350 yards within 5 seconds after shots fired… that means he may have Crooks dialled in and in sight already

    Why no sniper on Water tower ???

    FBI and SS still giving almost no information about the lapses after nearly 3 weeks

    No recordings of US SS communications that day😂 😂😂..even Pizza Hut records calls ro customer care

    Crooks went to same shooting range as used to train DHS agents

    Crooks was taken out by a big round but there no splatter…

    Audio analysis indicates shots 123 were different from 456… who was the second shooter

    Some of Trumps security were not trained USSS… they were DHS investigation staff …


    Resignations are not enough.

    • 1 month ago

    Red flags 🇺🇸

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

    Thankyou Marsha!!!

    • 1 month ago

    The FBI has already destroyed any evidence , its too late !!

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